Registration for the Ulysseus Open Event on May 11 now open
This virtual event aims to interconnect the diverse actors of the Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem and to help co-create the Ulysseus structure, fostering opportunities for interlinked Education, Research and Innovation projects and activities.

The first Ulysseus Open Event will take place on May 11, 2021 to publicly present the Ulysseus Campus, the six Innovation Hubs and all the opportunities they can offer to the Ulysseus Community, including academic degrees, research and entrepreneurial projects, and international mobility in a wide variety of topics. The virtual event, that will be held through online video-conferences on the match-making platform B2match, aims to interconnect the diverse actors of the Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem and help to co-create the Ulysseus structure, fostering opportunities for interlinked Education, Research and Innovation projects and activities. Registrations are cost-free and open now until the day of the event.
“You are welcome to participate in this exciting European University Open Event where new opportunities for researchers, innovators, companies, institutions, NGOs, students and citizens will be boosted,” Ulysseus General Coordinator Carmen Vargas said. “Inspiring plenary sessions, informative workshops and targeted 1:1 meetings promises knowledge gain and new business contacts.”
The Ulysseus Open Event will bring together researchers, innovators, companies, institutions, NGOs, students and citizens from the six European countries of the Ulysseus alliance and beyond (check the agenda here). This unique opportunity to generate new contacts for facing new projects and activities in the context of Horizon Europe and Erasmus + programmes will be supported by a marketplace for networking and collaboration opportunities within the Ulysseus Community.
Topics addressed
The Ulysseus Open Event will bring participants an opportunity to learn more about the Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem, including the different initiatives that will be launched by the Alliance to foster cross-border innovative collaboration. In addition, Ulysseus Satellite Projects will be presented, as well as proposal opportunities under the Horizon Europe program.
Moreover, a series of parallel sessions will address Ulysseus insights and opportunities for students such as the Ulysseus Campus, joint/double degrees, mobility programmes, traineeships opportunities, and career development initiatives. Different actions and initiatives on gender in STEAM — science, technology, engineering, arts and maths —, and Open Science will be presented, as well as the new opportunities for networking in Horizon Europe & Erasmus + through the different Ulysseus Innovation Hubs.
Ulysseus challenges
Ulysseus European University shares a strong involvement in regional and local development, as well as social cohesion and civic engagement. Therefore, the European University is building up an Innovation Ecosystem based on common and complementary strengths on education, research, knowledge transfer, facilities, and key associated stakeholders.
Altogether, the Ulysseus challenges are aligned with priorities of the participant regions’ Smart Specialization Strategies and cities’ Strategic Plans, as well as with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Green Deal, and Horizon Europe clusters and missions. Therefore, agents from the six European countries and regions of the Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem and worldwide will network to go beyond in the six Ulysseus Innovation Hubs topics:
- Digitalisation
- Artificial Intelligence
- Ageing and Wellbeing
- Energy, Transport, Mobility and Smart Cities
- Tourism, Arts and Heritage
- Food, Biotechnology and Circular Economy
Innovation Hubs are the Ulysseus innovative joint structure for collaboration. These hubs work as concentrators of all the collaboration and cooperation activities coming from the Ulysseus community to address the six R&D challenges for the partners’ regions and cities growth. Innovation Hubs are the centre of the co-creation process for transdisciplinary and challenge-driven education intertwined with research and knowledge transfer programmes, and the promotion of citizen involvement and European values.
About Ulysseus
Ulysseus is one of the 41 European Universities selected by the European Commission to become the universities of the future. Led by the University of Seville together with five other universities in Europe (the University of Genoa, Italy; Université Côte d’Azur, France; the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia; MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®, Austria; and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland), the project will allow students, researchers and graduates to move freely between universities, carry out internships in companies and start high-impact research projects.