Webinar: How to transfer interdisciplinary competences in heritage studies

Ulysseus European University is launching the second year of webinars on key regional and local challenges.
These are part of the calendar of activities of “COMPASS: Leading Ulysseus to become a European University excellence model through Research and Innovation”, a Horizon 2020 project of Ulysseus and the flagship for its R&I agenda and strategy.
Organised by Ulysseus Innovation Hubs, these webinars will bring together experts from academia, industry and NGO’s, among other organisations to discuss key regional and local challenges.
All over Europe, during last years, arouse an urgent need to develop an interdisciplinary training approach and professional figures in order to answer complex problems related to the enhancement of cultural heritage sites and related services. It requires a high degree of interaction and engagement, often limited by coordination barriers and in finding the appropriated funding opportunities.
At the educational level, it means enhancing the development of flexible paths, improving learning processes and boosting the acquisition of a broad range of skills. Studies, research and training need to converge methods and analytical frameworks from multiple disciplines, integrating human sciences with scientific experiences and competences. In this context, what are the main educational gaps in interdisciplinary instruction? And which supports would be favourable at national and/or international level? Through some good practices and hands-on experiences, the interdisciplinary approach will be analysed and promoted widely.
Paolo Piccardo is full professor of Metallurgy, coordinator of M.E.T.A.L. group and delegate of the rector for dissemination and public engagement at the University of Genoa. He is professor at Université de Bordeaux Montaigne (France). He is active in research activities correlating the metallic materials with the environment where they are used with applications from the archaeology to the advanced modernity. He participated to numerous national, international and industrial projects.In this field, he strongly advocates and believes in the cross-fertilization between humanities and natural sciences to reach and communicate the knowledge as a whole. In all his activities he has the goal of raising awareness and consciousness on sensitive topics such as environment, cultural heritage and good practices in the usage of resources.
Anna Stagno is associate professor in Methodologies of Archaeological Research at the University of Genoa, where she teaches Rural and Landscape Archaeology and History of Material culture. Her research interests focus on the history and archaeology of European rural societies and particularly on the management of environmental resources, sharing practices, commons, and heritagisation processes. She is the coordinator of the Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology and History, and the PI of the ERC project “ANTIGONE» on the process of marginalisation of European mountains in the last three centuries and of the Doctoral Programme CLOE (MSCA cofud DP) aimed to train ESRs in interdisciplinary approaches to rural and mountain sustainable development and conservation. IAS Fellow at the University of Durham, she is the Italian Representative in the Committee of the Ruralia, European Association of Rural Archaeology, and in the Advisory board of the Italian Society of Medieval Archaeology.
Jesús Heredia-Carroza is researcher in Cultural Economics and Management, specifically in traditional popular music, festivals and spectators profiles, at the University of Seville. He is Vice-President of Fundación de Estudios Universitarios Francisco Maldonado de Osuna, and the youngest founder member of Red Iberoamericana de Economía de la Cultura (RIEC), (Medellín, Colombia, 2017).
Margarida Romero is full professor at Université Côte d’Azur and associate professor at Université Laval (Canada). Her research is oriented towards the inclusive, humanistic and creative uses of technologies (co-design, game design and robotics) for the development of creativity, problem solving, collaboration and computational thinking.
Facilitator: Alessio Tei, Associate Professor in Applied Economics and Ulysseus Innovation Hub coordinator at the University of Genoa
Host | Ulysseus Arts, Tourism and Heritage Innovation Hub
Registration | This webinar is free and open to everyone interested. Registration is now closed.
Language | English
Certificate of attendance | At the end of the webinar a link will be supplied to request your certificate of attendance for this webinar.
Contact | Alessio Tei and Clio Flego