Ulysseus RADAR Observatory kicks-off: a unique and innovative initiative for European Universities

Ulysseus RADAR Observatory kicked off on November 19, 2021, after a meeting with representatives of the six Ulysseus European University partner universities — the University of Seville (Spain), the University of Genoa (Italy), Université Côte d’Azur (France), the Technical University of Košice (Slovakia), MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® (Austria), and the Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland).
“RADAR is Ulysseus’ observatory for accurate follow up, risk management and necessary adjustments of Ulysseus European University” said Ulysseus General Coordinator Carmen Vargas. “It is also a unique and innovative initiative for European Universities and the Ulysseus reference structure and instrument for foresighting, observing short and long-term changes in economy, society, job market and new skills and competences”, she explained.
RADAR will monitor and collect information on trends, including policy monitoring from the European Commission’s DG EAC and RTD, to ensure that Ulysseus adapts to state-of-the-art processes and increases its transforming capacity and impact.
RADAR team
RADAR gathers 12 Universities’ pedagogical, social, technological and economic experts who will internally evaluate the progress of Ulysseus. Chosen by the Governing Council with the General Coordinator, they will evaluate the progress of Ulysseus using a wide range of quality tools including actions plans, annual plans and reports, specifically indicating the digital platform quantitative indicators of activities, the annual on-line quality survey and Ulysseus dissemination annual report.
The goals of the observatory
RADAR observatory will evaluate Ulysseus goals and outputs taking into account global, EU, national, regional and local trends and policies, and adapting Ulysseus accordingly. These include future policy papers on the European Education and Research Areas (European Strategy for Universities), the New Skills Agenda for Europe, the European Digital Education Action Plan, the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Green Deal, the future White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, Erasmus +, Horizon Europe, as well as RIS3 and cites’ strategic plans, among others.
Topics selection
During the meeting, the RADAR Observatory members selected a range of priority topics to work in and laid down the next steps. These include the deployment of an annual report with an in deep analysis of Ulysseus joint vision progress, with improvements measures, for the International Advisory Board. The board will make a final assessment for the Governing Council, proposing Ulysseus new activities. Additionally, RADAR will also help to devise a new Action Plan every three years.
About Ulysseus
Ulysseus is one of the 41 European Universities selected by the European Commission to become the universities of the future. Led by the University of Seville together with five other universities in Europe (the University of Genoa, Italy; Université Côte d’Azur, France; the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia; MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®, Austria; and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland), the project will allow students, researchers and graduates to move freely between universities, carry out internships in companies and start high-impact research projects.