Co-creation of a joint Master's Degree in Sustainable Management in Life Sciences & Engineering, combining interdisciplinary training in digital skills, innovation & leadership
SMILE: Sustainable Management in Life Sciences and Engineering is a Ulysseus Joint Master’s Degree applying management and leadership towards sustainable solutions within the life sciences.
- The main goal of SMILE is to find sustainable solutions for current day adversities in the context of climate change. Graduates of this Master’s programme gain the skillset to successfully find sustainable solutions to challenges in the life sciences sector using the newest innovations and methodologies. With this, graduates will contribute the the objectives of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in sustainable management.
- Four Ulysseus partner universities, and one Ulysseus associated partner university will co-create this Joint Master Degree. This co-creation process will establish the structures, contents and goals of the programme, all in line with their stakeholders. The direct outcome of these co-creation processes will be the documents of he joint programme to be used in writing up the proposal for accreditation.
- SMILE will support 15 months of co-creation and co-design of the Joint Master Degree, jointly delivered by the Ulysseus European University consortium and its associated partners. The process of identification of the core and transversal knowledge and skills to be developed in the curriculum will be stakeholder approached, as the project is based on co-creation and design thinking methods.
To co-design an integrated and innovative flexible and modular curriculum focusing on Sustainable Management In Life Sciences & Engineering to promote the introduction and application of sustainable practices and induce the transformation of development pathways in the fields of technology.
To co-create a joint master structure and content which follows the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes and Erasmus Mundus Programme, ready for accreditation by AQ Austria (Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria).
To co-design measures which would attract students and will lead them to gain the knowledge, skills and competences necessary to transform the labour market, interconnecting higher education systems and effectively contributing to the objectives of the European Higher Education Area in green and digital transitions.
The agreement has created
SMILE: Sustainable Management in Life Sciences and Engineering
SMILE is a two-year, 120 ECTS joint Master Degree coordinated by MCI The Entrepreneurial School and offered jointly with other Ulysseus European University Alliance member insitutions: Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT), Univesity of Montenegro (UoM), University of Sevilla (USE) and University of Cote d’Azur (UniCA). All of these programme partners are degree awarding institutions and contribute with joint design, mobility and delivery of studies.
This interdisciplinary program enables the students to gain in-depth knowledge and competencies in sustainable managmenet in the life sciences & engineering in complex challenges of today’s world.
General overview of the programme structure and content
SMILE is a two-year, 120 ECTS joint Master Degree coordinated by MCI The Entrepreneurial School and offered jointly with other Ulysseus European University Alliance member insitutions: Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT), Univesity of Montenegro (UoM), University of Sevilla (USE) and University of Cote d’Azur (UniCA). All of these programme partners are degree awarding institutions and contribute with joint design, mobility and delivery of studies.
This interdisciplinary program enables the students to gain in-depth knowledge and competencies in sustainable managmenet in the life sciences & engineering in complex challenges of today’s world.

SMILE study programme
SMILE application, selection and admission procedures
Joint academic recognition
Ulysseus partners accept the recognition of qualifications and prior learning, as well as professional experience, for Ulysseus accredited Master’s, or non-accredited course work. The number of credits recognized is in function of the QF- EHEA level of studies conducted and of their compatibility with the Joint Master course contents, within the limitations of in force national regulations on academic recognition.

SMILE has received funding from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.