Ulysseus participates at the European Researchers’ Night 2022 with an interactive smart cities quiz aiming at sparking the curiosity of the youngest

Smart Cities, sustainability, climate change, green initiatives, commute and transportation were some of the topics that Ulysseus scientists were challenged to give answers on.

Ulysseus participates at the European Researchers’ Night 2022 with an interactive smart cities quiz aiming at sparking the curiosity of the youngest

Once again, on 30 September, Ulysseus European University participated in the European Researchers’ Night, an event celebrated across Europe aiming to make science accessible and exciting for the public. This year, Ulysseus marked the occasion with a special online event featuring a group of children from various Ulysseus countries who challenged Ulysseus experts with an engaging quiz on smart cities.

European Researchers’ Night is a significant annual event that celebrates the vital role of research and innovation in society. Held on the last Friday of September, it offers a unique platform for the public to engage with researchers and learn about the latest scientific advancements in an interactive and enjoyable manner. The primary goal of the event is to bridge the gap between researchers and the general public, fostering a deeper appreciation of scientific endeavors and their impact on everyday life, from technological progress to environmental sustainability.

This year’s event featured a highlight activity where young students quizzed Ulysseus experts on various aspects of smart cities. The quiz covered topics such as sustainability, carbon neutrality, and the role of smart cities in improving urban life. Questions posed by the children included inquiries like, “How can smart cities help fight climate change?” and “Will smart cities help citizens live longer?” The experts, including Ricardo Chacartegui, a Full Professor in the Energy Engineering Department at the University of Seville , Beatriz Roncero, a Postdoc Fellow at the University of Seville, provided insightful answers that highlighted the potential and challenges of smart city technologies.

Ricardo Chacartegui, with his extensive research on thermal energy systems and low carbon economy, shared his expertise on energy storage and sustainability within smart cities. Additionally, Beatriz Roncero, who focuses on environmental sciences and the restoration of arid zones, brought a unique perspective on the ecological aspects of smart city development.

The European Researchers’ Night exemplifies Ulysseus’s commitment to fostering a collaborative, innovative, and inclusive scientific community. COMPASS aims to position Ulysseus as a model of excellence in research and innovation, underlining the importance of education and interdisciplinary cooperation in addressing global challenges.


COMPASS: Leading Ulysseus to become a European University excellence model through Research and Innovation is a Horizon 2020 project and the flagship for Ulysseus R&I agenda and strategy. This action, which is part of the Science with and for Society programme of Horizon 2020 (SwafS), will facilitate Ulysseus’ transformation process towards becoming a European university through a common R&I strategy that will in turn consolidate its Innovation Ecosystem.