Our model of European University

The Ulysseus European University gives Higher Education, Research and Innovation a crucial role in supporting social cohesion, economic growth and global competitiveness of our cities and regions.

The Ulysseus Ecosystem rests on two solid foundations:

  • the Ulysseus Community, including the 8 Alliance partners and 152 associated partners and
  • the Ulysseus Campus with 3 joint structures: the Central Management Office, the Digital Platform, and 8 Innovation Hubs aligned with the overarching EU twin green and digital transitions and societal wellbeing challenges.

The Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem

Ulysseus’ unique and defining feature is its Innovation Ecosystem, which develops solutions to specific research and innovation challenges through its Innovation Hubs. 

What are its main features?

An integrative and democratic governance

The co-creation of education, research and innovation interlinked activities

High impact on UN, European, regional and local challenges

Open Education and Open Science

Multilingualism and multiculturalism

Enhanced mobility with automatic recognition

Ulysseus community 

A diverse university at many levels

Ulysseus is a truly diverse and dynamic European alliance that unites the best of Education, Science, and Innovation across multiple cultures and languages.

Rooted in European values, we are a multicultural and multilingual powerhouse, with partners from across Europe: 

  • 1 university from Northern Europe (Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
  • 3 universities from Western Europe (Université Côte d’Azur, France; MCI, The Entrepreneurial School, Austria; University of Münster, Germany)
  • 2 universities from Central and Eastern Europe (Technical University of Košice, Slovakia; University of Montenegro, Montenegro)
  • 2 universities from Southern Europe (University of Seville, Spain; University of Genoa, Italy).

This gives Ulysseus a unique geographic balance, integrating four major European regions. 

With a campus that speaks 9 of the EU’s 24 official languages, plus Montenegrin, and covers native communities of over 718 million people worldwide, we truly embody multilingualism. Ulysseus remains open to the world, always welcoming new higher education institutions as future partners. 

Our rich diversity of universities, regions, and languages fuels a complementary and forward-thinking Alliance. Together with 152 associated partners, Ulysseus has built an agile, sustainable Innovation Ecosystem that fosters collaboration and drives transformative solutions.

Join us in shaping the future! 

Our alliance

The University of Seville Università di Genova Université Côte d'Azur Technical University of Košice MCI The Entrepreneurial School Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences University of Münster University of Montenegro

Our Associated Partners

Ulysseus Associated Partners, including regional and local authorities, businesses, and citizens, play a vital role in shaping the future of European higher education and driving regional development. They actively engage in co-creation, design thinking, and collaborate on Ulysseus’ plans, structures, and activities. Together with 152 Associated Partners, Ulysseus forms a diverse and dynamic alliance, creating an agile, sustainable Innovation Ecosystem that boosts synergies between education, research, and innovation. Our mission helps bridge the EU’s regional innovation divide, promoting social, economic, and territorial cohesion through education linked to research and innovation.

Discover our Associated Partners 

Ulysseus campus

Central Management Office


The Central Management Office (CMO) is in charge of the general coordination of Ulysseus joint structures, as well as the management, sustainability and dissemination of the Ulysseus University.

It includes:

  • The Central Coordination Unit, based at the University of Seville.
  • The Dissemination Unit, based at the University of Seville which coordinates the Dissemination Plan and activities of Ulysseus.
  • The Digitalization Unit, based at Université Côte d’Azur in Nice. This unit is responsible for developing the Digital Platform and monitors the Ulysseus digitalization processes.
  • The Projects Office, based at Université Côte d’Azur in Nice coordinates the project proposal strategy, provides technical support to project coordinators and partners, offers guidance and management training, and gives technical advice for Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe proposals.
  • The Mobility Office, based at MCI, The Entrepreneurial School, in Innsbruck, coordinates the creation of partner-specific mobility implementation plans at each university, which outline the details of all students, academics, professional staff, and all other mobility activities associated to our universities to be undertaken within the Alliance.

Digital Platform


The Ulysseus Digital Platform, led by Université Côte d’Azur, is a one-stop hub for all Ulysseus digital services, supporting seamless collaboration and innovation. It offers solutions for online learning through Ulysseus Moodle, facilitates teamwork and meetings with Ulysseus Teams, and provides a secure intranet via Ulysseus SharePoint.

For researchers, the Match4Coop App enables digital networking and project matchmaking, fostering partnerships with associated collaborators. The platform also hosts an Open Science repository for sharing research outcomes and features a comprehensive R&I capacities database, highlighting Ulysseus researchers’ expertise and synergies across Innovation Hubs.

Additionally, digital spaces for citizen science are coming soon! 

Match4Cooperation    Ulysseus Learning Platform

Innovation Hubs


The 8 Innovation Hubs of Ulysseus are the heart of the alliance collaborative efforts, driving transdisciplinary education and challenge-based solutions through co-creation. These hubs bring together research, knowledge transfer, and community engagement, all while promoting European values. They feature Joint Research Centers, Incubators, Living Labs, and Open Classes, creating spaces for collaboration, innovation, and citizen involvement. By fostering partnerships with multiple stakeholders, the Hubs are shaping the future of education and research with hands-on, community-driven approaches.

Innovation Hubs

The Student Association


The Ulysseus Students Association represents the voice of students from all partner universities and academic levels (BA, MSc, and PhD). They actively participate in decision-making bodies, co-create activities, and are involved in their implementation. As key actors, they contribute to monitoring and assessing Ulysseus University’s progress through the Ulysseus RADAR observatory. Additionally, they manage a buddy program to welcome and support students during their mobility experience.