Beyond Europe: R&I Internationalization Strategies for European Universities

Beyond Europe: R&I Internationalization Strategies for European Universities

This online conference will take place on January 24 2024 and it is hosted by the MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® as part of Compass, a satellite project and flagship for the Ulysseus Alliance R&I agenda and strategy.


At this event, the objective is to discuss and reflect on the various challenges European University Alliances encounter when developing their internationalisation strategies beyond Europe.


About this conference

“The mobilisation of the world’s researchers and innovators will be crucial to the well-being of citizens and of future generations” (EU Global Approach to Research and Innovation).

Cross-border cooperation stands as one of the key cornerstones of the EU R&I agenda. As stakeholders in the field of R&I, European University Alliances must develop their strategies for R&I collaborations going beyond the EU boundaries.

Though European Universities may have a mission-oriented approach towards establishing strategic partnerships through various R&I collaborations and projects, the process of building such partnerships must not only account for technical and organizational aspects, but must also encompass the respective partners needs and interests to ensure mutual respect, equity and transparency.

This conference proposes to discuss and reflect on the various challenges European University Alliances encounter when developing their internationalisation strategies beyond Europe.

Watch this conference again!


Part I: Reaching Beyond Europe: Building Collaborations Outside the EU

10:30 AM: Opening Session 

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Overview of the Conference
  • Introduction of Speakers

10:35 AM: Session 1 Opening statement by Andreas Altmann, (Rector, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School – Austria)

10:45 AM: Session 2 
Topic: « Strategic Approaches for Global Collaborations » by Franz Fischler (Former EU Commissioner) and Frédérique Vidal (Former Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation – France)

11:15 AM: Panel Discussion
Topic discussion between Franz Fischler and Frédérique Vidal

11:30 AM: Q&A Session 
Selected and posed questions to Speakers from audience

11:40 AM: Networking Break

On this session

Although the majority of collaborations for European Universities happens here in the EU, all European University Alliances cooperate with partners all over the world. Aligning with the Global Approach strategy of the EC to Research and Innovation, European University Alliances are looking to expand beyond Europe.

Whether these collaborations aim at increasing attractiveness, strengthening research, enhancing student mobility, or fostering European values, they present as many opportunities as they do challenges. This panel will address the various strategies and models of European Universities R&I collaborations outside the EU against the backdrop of developing and ensuring respectful, equitable and transparent partnerships.


Part II: Sustaining International R&I Collaborations Outside the EU: Challenges and Success Factors

12:40 PM: Introduction to Part II

Recap of Part I and Introduction of Part II Speakers

12:45 PM: Session 3 by Stephane Berghmans (Director of Research & Innovation at the European University Association) on « Challenges in Sustaining International R&I Collaborations »

1:15 PM: Q&A Session 

  • Participants can submit questions through the chat
  • Moderator selects and poses questions to Speakers

1:25 PM: Session 4 by Jessica Schueller & Jason Lane (Cross-Border Education Research Team – C-BERT) on « Success Factors for Long-term Global Partnerships »

1:45 PM: Q&A Session 

  • Participants can submit questions through the chat
  • Moderator selects and poses questions to Speakers

1:55 PM: Closing Remarks

  • Summary of Key Takeaways
  • Thanking Speakers, Participants, and Sponsors
  • Announcement of Future Events

On this session

Despite the many benefits, many challenges come along not only when establishing collaborations, but also when trying to maintain them, regardless of the forms R&I collaborations may take. Preserving long-term collaborations is crucial in fostering R&I.

This panel will address the challenges encountered by the actors of R&I not only at the organisational level, but also at the individual level (i.e. ensuring that the different actors of R&I feel included and valued within the collaboration setting). Furthermore, after identifying the challenges, the panel will discuss the success factors for strong and long-lasting partnerships.


Andreas Altman

Rector, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School – Austria

Franz Fischler

Former EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries.

Frédérique Vidal


Former Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation – France

Stephane Berghmans

Director of Research & Innovation at the European University Association (EUA)

Jessica Schüller

Project Manager & Research Associate, Transnational Education at Cross-Border Education Research Team (C-BERT)

Jason Lane

Co-director of the Cross-Border Education Research Team (C-BERT)

Target audience

The conference theme is particularly significant for European University Alliances, both European and Non-European institutions keen on fostering connections for potential collaborations with European University Alliances, institutional leaders, and those actively engaged in the European Universities Initiative. Furthermore, the content is curated to resonate with higher education researchers and anyone intrigued by the nuances of R&I international strategies in higher education institutions.

Conference Organization & Contact

This event is organized by MCI|The Entrepreneurial School® based in Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria.

MCI|The Entrepreneurial School® seamlessly blends higher education, research, and practical application in management, society, technology, and life sciences.

« Beyond Europe: R&I Internationalization Strategies for European Universities » is part of the Ulysseus satellite project COMPASS. Here, MCI leads « Beyond Ulysseus » a work package whose goal is to extend Ulysseus European University beyond Europe, sharing the impact of R&I good practices with universities and institutions outside the Ulysseus network.

For any queries regarding the organization of this event, please contact John Gardiner and Katharina Wolf, event managers.


COMPASS: Leading Ulysseus to become a European University excellence model through Research and Innovation” is a Horizon 2020 project of Ulysseus and the flagship for its R&I agenda and strategy.

COMPASS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 101035809. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.