Ulysseus International Conference

Ulysseus International Conference

European University Alliances as Actors in Creating Sustainable and Long-term Collaborations in the Western Balkans.

Ulysseus International Networking Conference


The Ulysseus International Networking Conference will set the ground for discussions on cooperation between universities from the EU and the Western Balkans within the initiative of the European University Alliances, highlighting the good practices and challenges of this cooperation, while acknowledging the different contexts and governance capacities of cooperating institutions. A high political level exchange on the role of universities in the EU accession process of the Western Balkan countries will wrap up the conference.

The Ulysseus International Networking Conference will take place back-to-back with the 10th Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans, which will take place on April 7, 2025 at the University of Montenegro. During the Rectors’ Forum, the importance of quality assurance at European and national level and the European degree will be discussed.


The conference should provide the following:

  • Showcase successes and pitfalls in modernisation initiatives through international cooperation between universities from the EU and the Western Balkan region, and discuss their key features.


  • Highlight the challenges in international cooperation between universities from EU and Western Balkan countries, with focus on understanding the different contexts and acknowledging the cultural background and capacities of cooperating institutions.
  • Acknowledge the existing discrepancy between internationalisation initiatives and the requirement it poses on the existing governance structures and management of universities, specifically in the Western Balkan region and discuss on how to close the gap.


  • Discuss with decision makers on how to enhance the role of universities in the EU accession process of the Western Balkan countries.

Meeting venue & Registration

University of Montenegro, Rectorate Building, st. Cetinjska 2, Podgorica, Montenegro.

Online participation will be possible too. The link for online participation will be added in due time and sent to the registered participants.


Register here for the Conference



In case you are interested in following also the conference of the 10TH RECTORS’ FORUM OF SOUTHEAST EUROPE AND WESTERN BALKANS on April 7th, please visit this site : 10TH RECTORS’ FORUM OF SOUTHEAST EUROPE AND WESTERN BALKANS

Tuesday, 8 April 2025

Preliminary Agenda

9:00 – 9:15 | Welcome Speech

  • Prof. Dr Vladimir Božović, Rector, University of Montenegro
  • Prof. Dr. Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, President of the Rectors’ Forum, Rector of the University of Rijeka
  • Prof. Dr. Jeanick Brisswalter, President of the University Cote d’Azur (online)

9:15 – 10:45 | Session 1: Perspectives on European University Alliances for Modernizing Education
Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosario López Ruiz, University of Seville, Director of International Relations

  • Prof. Dr. Srđan Redžepagić, University Cote d’Azur (Alliance: Ulysseus)
  • Prof. Dr. Dejan Mirakovski, Rector of the Goce Delcev University (Alliance: ACE2EU)
  • Dr. Gazela Pudar Draško, University of Belgrade, member of the Rectors’ Forum Secretariat and Chair of the WG on Education and Science Policies Advancement in SEE (Alliance: Circle-U)
  • Prof. Dr. Marta Žuvić, Vice-Rector of the University of Rijeka, member of the Rectors’ Forum Secretariat and Chair of the WG on Advancement of Higher Education Programmes in SEE (Alliance: YUFE)
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Milica Balaban, Vice-Rector of the University of Banja Luka (Alliance: ACROSS)

10:45 – 11:15 | Coffee break

11:15 – 12:45 | Session 2: The role of European University Alliances in capacity building for sustainable governance of WB universities
Chair: Prof. Dr. Siegfried Walch, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School, Ulysseus

  • Prof. Dr. Sanja Peković, University of Montenegro (Alliance: Ulysseus)
  • Prof. Dr. Eglantina Gishti, University of Tirana (Alliance: UNINOVIS)
  • Prof. Dr. Emina Junuz, University of Dzemal Bijedic in Mostar (Alliance: SUNRISE)
  • Prof. Dr. Sanja Bijakšić, Vice-Rector of the University of Mostar, member of the Rectors’ Forum Secretariat (Alliance: EUPeace)
  • Mrs Anila Troshani, Head of Sector Erasmus+, EACEA – European Commission (online)

12.45 – 13.00 | Break

13:00 – 14.00 |Debate: The Role of Universities in the EU Accession Process

  • Introduction: Western Balkans higher education and research and innovation policy options, Prof. Dr. Ivan Svetlik, University of Ljubljana, Secretary General of the Rectors’ Forum
  • Prof. Dr. Andjela Jaksic Stojanovic, Minister of Education, Science and Innovation, Government of Montenegro
  • Mr Johann Sattler, the Ambassador of the European Union to Montenegro (tbc)

14:00– 15.15 | Lunch break

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