Projects’ Fleet

Ulysseus satellite projects aim at reinforcing the complementarity of the education, R&I offer and core objectives of our partnership, ensuring the long-term sustainability of Ulysseus and the international promotion of the activities undertaken. Ulysseus satellite projects are those two or more partner universities of the Ulysseus alliance are involved.



CO-creation of a EMJM in efficient and sustainable energy, transport and mobility to build the smart cities of the future: BRINGing together excellence, mobility, innovation and entrepreneurship.

COBRING aims at co-designing a new, innovative, high-level integrated transnational Joint Master that meets the Erasmus Mundus Program standards. This programme will also include common mechanisms related to quality assurance, accreditation and recognition, from the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes perspective.



COMAI: Co-creation of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Artificial Intelligence to boost Innovation Ecosystems, business competitiveness and employment in Europe” aims to co-create and co-design the Ulysseus AI Joint Master programme applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a business context.

COMAI proposes an innovative, multidisciplinary and high-level integrated transnational study programme at Master level. Therefore, leading the graduates of such Master level programme to gain the abilities and skills necessary to transform the labour market, interconnecting higher education systems and effectively contributing to the objectives of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in digital transitions, the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027).



Leading Ulysseus to become a European University excellence model through Research and Innovation

COMPASS is the flagship for the Ulysseus agenda. Its aim is to build upon this vision by establishing Ulysseus as a model of excellence for research and innovation transformation in line with the shared, integrated, long-term joint strategy of the alliance, boosting synergies between the European Research Area and the European Education Area. It supports the development of strategies and concrete action plans in order to position Ulysseus as an institutional transformation model at research and innovation level.



Co-created student centered incubator programme

Curate «Co-created student centered incubator programme» project will bring together 5 partners of the Ulysseus European University Alliance, to co-create and co-design the Curate Incubator Curriculum and a step-by-step Incubator framework in close collaboration with the Ulysseus Innovation hub ecosystem.  

CURATE will combine AI solutions related to the entrepreneurial process to develop an incubator programme that will provide migrant students with a challenge-based platform to better meet their learning styles and provide transferable forward-looking skills. 




Modernising education through Digital Soft Skills

D2S@Ulysseus focuses on adapting pedagogies and upgrading educators’ digital competencies by harnessing digital technologies for learning. It seeks to equip all learners with digital transversal skills to live, work, learn and thrive in a world increasingly mediated by digital technologies, recognising and validating these skills digitally through Open Badges.



It is a transnational joint master degree programme combining the underrepresented areas of responsible tourism, leadership & entrepreneurial thinking, social impact & female empowerment, economic development and digitalization.


It will be a co-creation process with 5 other universities: Zagreb School of Economics & Management (Croatia), Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), University of Genoa (Italy), Technical University Kosice (Slovakia), Management Center Innsbruck (Austria, Lead) as well as several industry partners.


The main target group are students with BA degrees in management or tourism, but also experienced tourism professionals with a BA degree who wish to update their knowledge with current responsible approaches. ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EMJM-DESIGN Call.



Designing green tourism concepts through learning

The objective of the ENRICHER project is to improve the capacity of green tourism service development and experiential learning to better match industry needs of future employees. The project will accelerate the twin (green and digital) transition to boost the recovery of the European tourism industry by identifying skills and competence mismatches between Higher education institutions (HEIs) and the labour market in Georgia and Moldova.



Moving Europe around us

MOB4ALL is a project funded under the Erasmus+ programme that seeks to promote the transnational mobility of students with special needs through the capacity building of the different actors who can support these students in the context of international mobility for educational purposes. The project will transform the participant HEIs environments through the development and sharing of individual-centred practices and protocols, thus reducing the inequality of access to resources and opportunities in Higher Education.



Developing International Experience for Students through Virtual Mobility

MOVIDIS project aims to give the opportunity to bachelor students in Economics, to receive an international experience from home institution through the concept of Virtual Mobility (VM) – internationalization at home. It can contribute to strengthening international, digital, and virtual collaborative skills of transnational students, to preparing students to the attainment of global career readiness competencies, and finally, to implementing new vision of internationalization of participating HEIs.



Capacity Building in Higher Education through the development of a Food and Nutritional Resilience curricula adapted to the European Green Deal, Farm to Fork Strategy and to the needs of West Africa

NEEMA means food in Fula, a Senegambian language. The starting hypothesis of the NEEMA project is that the conceptual framework provided by the European Green Deal (EGD) and the Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy must be adapted to the conditions of the Sahel and West Africa (WA), identifying, minimising and reducing its negative impact on Food and Nutritional security, especially for the most vulnerable populations.


The project is aimed at achieving the following objectives: (i) design a new contextual Food and Nutritional Resilience (FNR) curricula adapting the EGD and the F2F Strategy to fit the needs of the West African region and train professors, decision makers and other relevant stakeholders to deliver more effective public policies on sustainable agriculture development and enhance the capacities of participating Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to be changemakers; (ii) improve participating HEIs capacities to support national FNR policies by designing and implementing one social innovation pilot initiative in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal; (iii) strengthen cooperation between participating HEIs and European food and nutrition partners including universities, European Technology Platforms and selected clusters, by identifying synergies and common EU–West Africa research, development and innovation challenges.


The project will be implemented by the NEEMA consortium, established in June 2021 and made up of 14 HEIs from Africa (8) and Europe (6), with the participation of leading universities from the Ulysseus Alliance.



Ready, Immerse and Go!: Immersive VR Experience for International Mobility

The main objective is to experiment with virtual reality for the training and development of specific competences of students, trainees and apprentices who wish to undertake international mobility or who simply want to try out these experiences virtually.


The expected result of RIGO is to develop a VR platform to host immersive virtual scenarios and other virtual activities, which will allow users to acquire skills to face the new situation of an international mobility that may cause them fear and rejection, weighing negatively on their decision to leave.



Co-creation of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Sustainable Management In Life Sciences & Engineering (SMILE) to promote the introduction and application of sustainable practices and induce the transformation of development pathways in the fields of technology

SMILE aims to co-create and co-design the Ulysseus Joint Master’s programme applying the principle of sustainability, resource and energy management as well as circular economy in an interdisciplinary context, including life science, engineering, management and law.


Consequently, the SMILE Master degree programme will provide their graduates employability through interdisciplinarity, entrepreneurial and technical competences and high-level transversal skills that enable them to meet the challenges required to promote the green and digital transition and sustainable development in the European labour market, without losing sight of the regional, European and global contexts.