UlysseusAI application, selection and admission procedures
UlysseusAI is a joint degree coordinated by HH which is the single-entry point to the degree. Therefore, the entry requirements and admission criteria for the programme have been formu-lated upon the national and institutional regulations mandatory for HH. They are common for all applicants, regardless of the country of origin.
The requirements and criteria will be made available together with the joint application procedure on the future UlysseusAI website.
Student access profile and minimum requirements for access to the selection process.
UlysseusAI has been designed for people intended to work in the field of business applications of artificial intelligence
General requirements for access
Applicants should have a university qualification corresponding to a Bachelor’s degree (EQF level 6) or higher according to the following options:
- Bachelor´s or other applicable degree in an institution of higher education in the fields of the study option (ICT or Business) and at minimum two years (24 months) of general work experience (not general) after completing the Bachelor´s degree before 31 December 2024.
- The Bachelor´s degree has to contain at minimum 15 ECTS ICT studies and at minimum 20 ECTS business studies.
- Applicable Bachelor´s or other applicable degree in an institution of higher education and two years (24 months) of work experience in the fields of the study option (ICT or Business) before 31 December 2024. The applicant has to define in the application that the skills gained at working life or in additional studies are equivalent to a minimum of 15 ECTS in ICT studies and to a minimum of 20 ECTS in business studies.
- Applicable Bachelor´s or other applicable degree in institution of higher education in the fields of the study option (ICT or Business) and at minimum two years (24 months) of work experience in the fields of the study option (ICT or Business) after the Bachelor´s degree before 31 December 2024. The Bachelor´s degree has to contain a minimum of 15 ECTS in ICT studies and a minimum of 20 ECTS in business studies, or the applicant has to de-fine in the application that the skills gained at working life or additional studies are equiv-alent to a minimum of 15 ECTS in ICT studies and to a minimum of 20 ECTS in business studies.
Bachelor´s and Master´s level studies can be considered as additional studies.
English level
English level corresponding to B2, according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Ref-erence for Languages), proof of which must be provided as a supporting document. Candidates from countries where English is not an official language must demonstrate their knowledge of English by proving that they have received their education in English, or with a certified language level equivalent to B2 using the CEFR by one of the following options and grades:
- IELTS: a minimum total score of 6.0
- TOEFL (iBT): a minimum total score of 83 (at maximum two years old)
- PTE Academic: a minimum total score of 67
- Cambridge C1 Advanced: a minimum total score of 170
- Cambridge C2 Proficiency: a minimum total score of 170
- ACLES C1: a minimum 50 % of the total score of every section
- National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI) English: Grade 4 or higher on all the subtests (speaking, listening comprehension, writing, and reading comprehension)
- Higher education degree completed in English in an EU/EEA country, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, or the United States
- Upper secondary degree completed in English in an EU/EEA country, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, or the United States
- One of the following grades in the Finnish Matriculation Examination, European Baccalaureate, International Baccalaureate or Reifeprüfung/DIA:
- Finnish Matriculation Examination: English advanced syllabus with a minimum grade M
- International Baccalaureate completed in English
- International Baccalaureate diploma: grade 4 in higher level English
- European Baccalaureate: at least grade 6.00 in L2-level English
- Reifeprüfung/DIA completed diploma: at least grade 7 in advanced English
Only the tests listed above will be accepted. No exceptions will be made.
There are no expiration dates, but the language test results must be verifiable from the online verification service of the organizer. The ACLES test is under examination (August 2023) whether it is possible to be verifiable by Haaga-Helia. The TOEFL test cannot be verified after two years. If the test scores can no longer be verified, the test is not valid. The applicant should therefore make sure that the test results are not too old. If the applicant is unsure and the test results are more than 2 years old, it is advised to retake the test.
The applicant has to submit a certificate on his/her previous degrees in the application form section where previous studies are to be declared. The applicant must attach a document that shows the language of the degree.
Application procedure and documentation
All applications for admission will be submitted online, through the official application portal of all Finnish higher education institutions:
The name of the portal is Opintopolku in Finnish and Studyinfo in English, and the information is available in both languages. The website provides the information to upload supporting documents that are required at the time of the online application.
Considerations about the qualifications:
For applicants coming from EHEA universities (including the Ulysseus university partners), Bachelor’s degrees will be automatically recognized, according to the Lisbon Recognition Convention and the Ulysseus Academic Recognition Agreement (see additional Annex 16).
Applicants with a Bachelor-equivalent qualification issued by a non-EHEA HEI must provide a document issued by their university that certifies the level of studies of the applicant and stating that the diploma allows the applicant to access to Master studies. Applicants need to present officially certified copies and translations into English of their diplomas and grades and an official certificate of the ECTS content of the subjects.
Successful admission to UlysseusAI does not imply that the applicant’s previous qualification has been validated to a comparable EHEA qualification entitling rights or granted recognition for any other purposes than access to this Master’s degree program.
Documentation to be submitted to the online application portal:
- Proof of B2 (CEFR) English proficiency (see the lists of the tests above)
- Work certificates adding up to a minimum of two years of related work experience ob-tained after the Bachelor´s degree.
- A motivation letter explaining why the applicant has selected this degree programme, describing purposes and interests, and showcasing the relevance of one’s studies and work experience within the intended Master’s degree.
Selection Process
Haaga-Helia Admission Services acts as the Master Secretariat in the application and admission process. After closing the deadline for applications, the Haaga-Helia Admission Services will check the eligibility of the applicants upon the documentation submitted to
The admission policy is intended to ensure equal opportunity of access to higher education for qualified European and Third country applicants. It is the responsibility of the Haaga-Helia Ad-mission Services, representing the coordinating institution, to process all documents submitted by the applicants. Haaga-Helia Admission Services will make available the motivation letter of each eligible applicant to the Selection Jury of UlysseusAI. The Selection Jury consists of academic representatives of all institutions of UlysseusAI. There will be one representative per partner insti-tution, and two representatives of the associated partners as well.
Based on the list of eligible candidates obtained from the Master Secretariat, Haaga-Helia Master programmes secretariat and the Selection Jury organize an online entrance examination for eli-gible candidates. Detailed instructions on the arrangements of the exam will be provided for all eligible applicants.
After the entrance examination, the Admission Services will submit to the Selection Jury a list of the best 60 applicants. They will be selected for the second evaluation round that will be the in-terview with the Selection Jury. The result of the interview will add up to 50 points to the candidate’s score. In the interview, the basic scientific background of the applicant, work experi-ence relevance, transversal skills, motivation, communication skills, and his/her English level will be evaluated.
Parts and Scores of the Selection Process:
- Multi-choice task 10/50 points
Part A: min 4 points, max 20 points
Part B: min. 3 points, max. 15 points
Part C: min. 3 points, max. 15 points
- Interview 10/50 points
- The whole maximum 100 points ja the lowest passed score 20 points. In order to be able to pass the entrance examination the applicant has to get at minimum the lowest score from each part and section of the entrance exam.
Based on the outcome of the Selection Jury, the Admission Services will add in ( the information on the 30 successful candidates who can be accepted into the Master, as well as a reserve list. The outcome of the application process will be added also to non-successful candidates.
All applicants will receive an email with a link to the admission results letter when all the results have been published. In the results letter, the applicant will also find his/her points and the lowest score for gaining admission.
The applicant must accept the offer of admission by the given deadline, or he/she will lose his/her offer. Applicants can accept only one offer of admission per academic term. Accepting an offer of admission is a binding choice, and he/she cannot cancel or change his/her choice later.
The applicant/student must enroll as present or absent for each academic year by the given dead-line. Without the enrolment in the given timeframe, the applicant/student will lose his/her study right.
Transparency of the access and admission
To guarantee the transparency of the access and admission processes, the information on the call for the upcoming academic year is available on the Ulysseus website and on the Finnish national portal Information on the application and admission processes is available for applicants and eventually, for accepted students, on the Opintopolku portal.
Equal Opportunities Policy
UlysseusAI is committed to foster diversity, inclusiveness, and gender equality, through admission measures for all categories of disadvantaged or discriminated groups (ethnic minorities, peo-ple with migration background, or with disability, people from poor families, or students of low
qualified parents, among others). UlysseusAI will facilitate recognition of qualifications and prior learning regardless of different cultural backgrounds, to improve social inclusion and diversity.
COMAI has received funding from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.