Unlocking Excellence: Navigating Best Practices in R&I

Unlocking Excellence: Navigating Best Practices in R&I

« Unlocking Excellence: Navigating Best Practices in Research and Innovation » will take place on 21 May 2024 as part of Compass, a satellite project and flagship for the Ulysseus Alliance R&I agenda and strategy.


The series of workshops offers an immersive exploration into the multifaceted landscape of Ulysseus Research and Innovation (R&I) practices, promising a transformative journey for participants. It covers a broad range of topics such as Open Science practices and the utilization of cutting-edge collaborative tools; stakeholder engagement; gender equality practices and internationalisation  beyond European borders, among others.


With an academic tone, the event promises to inspire, challenge, and empower attendees as they navigate the complexities of modern research paradigms, charting a course towards transformative impact and enduring excellence.



About this series of workshops

Embark on a transformative journey with our series of workshops, where we delve into the dynamic realm of Ulysseus Research and Innovation (R&I) practices.

Join us as we ignite a revolution in Open Science practices and harness the power of cutting-edge tools for collaborative research.

Discover the art of engaging stakeholders, from end-users to citizens, in the vibrant tapestry of innovation, amplifying the impact of your endeavors.

Unravel the secrets to crafting a transparent and inclusive research career within the Ulysseus framework, where gender equity and optimal conditions for researchers are paramount.

And, finally, learn the art of global collaboration as we traverse beyond European borders, positioning Ulysseus as a beacon of excellence. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and empowered as we chart the course to making Ulysseus a reference of R&I innovation worldwide.

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All times are stated in CET time zone.

09:45-10:00 – Introduction of COMPASS and Good Practices Guides

10:00- 10:45 – How incubators, living labs and open classes help to become ERA Hubs by Radoslav Delina (Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia). This workshop will present how the Ulysseus alliance has approached the formation and transformation into the European Research Area (ERA) Hub model. Attendees will explore the key features and significant use cases of this initiative, with the hope of sparking not only discussions but also future collaborations.

10:45- 11:30 – Good Practices on R&I International Guides by John Gardiner (MCI The Entrepreneurial School, Austria). This workshop gives a comprehensive overview of the progress made by Ulysseus in establishing its inaugural international branch. It explores various internationalization approaches, with a focus on a strategic collaboration designed to become a model for future international engagement.

11:30- 12:15 – Good practices on how to co-create Open Science platforms and tools by Jean-Loic Cavazza (Université Côte d’Azur). This workshop explores the commitment and dedication of Ulysseus to Open Science. Discover  here how our commitment extends beyond individual universities to our entire alliance. Explore our innovative Open Science Handbook and Digital Platform, featuring a Repository and Digital Network for Researchers. And learn firsthand how we collaborated to create this platform and gain insights into replicating our success efficiently.

12:15 – 13:00 BREAK


13:00-13:45 Good practices guide on involvement of citizens and the impact of the R&I Agenda in schools of the Ulysseus cities and regions by Paolo Piccardo (University of Genoa). This workshop explores strategies for sharing, disseminating, and training in Ulysseus’ best practices, ensuring the active participation of citizens, civil society, and public/city authorities in R&I endeavours. Here, you will be able to delve into the analysis, evaluation, and guidance of activities designed to engage various stakeholders, including local and regional communities. Explore Ulysseus’ existing citizen engagement initiatives, including two-way exchanges and public/citizen engagement events, aimed at promoting research and embracing European values.

13:45-14:30  Gender Agenda for transforming Universities by Rita Bencivenga (University of Genoa). This insightful workshop is centered around the R&I Gender Agenda, aimed at ensuring gender balance within teams and research content. This initiative mandates gender screening for all Ulysseus calls and proposals, emphasizing the integration of gender dimensions throughout Ulysseus projects. Here, best practices, emerging trends, and potential enhancements are explored as we collectively shape the future of gender inclusion in R&I.


Radoslav Delina

Radoslav Delina

Associate professor at the Faculty of Economics and Chief Scientific Officer at Innovation Hub of Digitalization in Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia)

John Gardiner

COMPASS Ulysseus Project Manager, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School (Austria)

Jean Loic Cavazza

Ulysseus Digital Platform Manager, Université Côte d’Azur (France)

Rita Bencivenga

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion expert and practitioner, and Ulysseus team representative from the University of Genoa (Italy)

Paolo Piccardo

Full professor at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry and Ulysseus team representative from of the University of Genoa (Italy)


Marina Ranga

Innovation Hub Manager at the Innovation Hub of Sustainable Energy, Transport, Mobility for Smart Cities, University of Seville (Spain)



Target audience

To whom is this event addressed?

By delving into topics such as Open Science, stakeholder engagement, and global collaboration, the workshops offer researchers a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills within a dynamic academic environment. Through this initiative, they are encouraged to engage actively in shaping the future of R&I, with a focus on promoting gender equity, transparency, and inclusivity.

Resources & Publications


COMPASS: Leading Ulysseus to become a European University excellence model through Research and Innovation” is a Horizon 2020 project of Ulysseus and the flagship for its R&I agenda and strategy.

COMPASS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 101035809. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.