What is

Ulysseus Mobility Experience

A Ulysseus mobility experience entails a physical or virtual exchange or a combination of these two formats between two or more Ulysseus partner universities and connects students, academics and/or non-academic staff in new and innovative ways.

Ulysseus strives to enhance seamless and climate-responsible mobility through intensive cooperation between all consortium members.

Learn more!

Find and contact your mobility officer for any questions!

Pick your appropriate format

Students, academics and professional staff currently enrolled or employed at any of the Ulysseus universities can take part in a variety of our pilot mobility experiences. Depending on your needs, you will be able to pick appropriate formats.

For example, a mobility experience for an Ulysseus Student can take the form of a classic Erasmus+ semester exchange, a Blended Intensive Program (BIP) that combines physical with virtual elements, or an entirely virtual classroom experience. Ulysseus Academics can partake in researchers’ weeks and workshops to reinforce academic cooperation while Ulysseus Professional Staff are invited to participate in staff exchanges and other forms of (virtual) cooperation and skill advancements.

New and innovative forms of mobility

The Ulysseus mobility experience enriches the general Erasmus+ mobilities in that it focuses on mobilities – virtual, physical or blended – specifically between all Ulysseus universities. Within Ulysseus, there is a focus on new and innovative forms of mobility to provide an inclusive international  experience for as many participants as possible.

Nevertheless, participants in the Ulysseus mobility experience can often take full advantage of the funds granted by the Erasmus+ Programme. Additionally, there are Ulysseus funds available for select Ulysseus mobility offers. For specific details, please consult with your Erasmus+ contact person at your University.

Sustainability is at the heart of the Ulysseus European University. For physical mobility experiences, green travel alternatives, i.e. train instead of airplane, chosen by participants are strongly recommended (please see the Ulysseus green mobility guide). Its virtual and blended experiences also help in keeping Ulysseus’ carbon footprint as small as possible.

Mobility resources

Welcome Guide


14 Ulysseus students in the European Parliament

On this section of the Ulysseus website, you will be able to find useful information from each partner university. From our services and support, to guidance on health and safety, and advice on preparing to study with us online and in person, we have lots of information to help you. We have a range of resources to help you settle in, make new friends and feel prepared for your studies at the different partner universities of Ulysseus European University.

Go to Welcome Guide

Green Mobility Guide


red bicycle

The Ulysseus Green Mobility Guide comprises a series of recommendations to foster environmental responsibility and, hence, contribute to the implementation of the European Green Deal and other EU policies. At this page, you will find options of environmentally friendly mobility between and within the Ulysseus’ regions. Existing green initiatives and programmes in our regions are also presented, to help your stay in the Ulysseus community in becoming a sustainable experience.

Go to Green Mobility Guide