Ulysseus joint research and innovation groups: first meeting organised
Milestone #9 First Online Meeting of Research and Innovation Group (M06).

Ulysseus European University is committed to close cooperation in all dimensions of our partners’ activities. Joint research and innovation activities are right in the core of our strategy.
Coming with the Phase 2 of the Ulysseus European University, the joint research and innovation groups (RIGs) aimed to intensify and strengthen jointly coordinated and strategically aligned Ulysseus research and innovation activities will be introduced. The work of these RIGs will be supported, throughout the projects’ duration, by internal seed-funding for researchers, by activities of the internal project office and by other supporting tools and programmes developed within the Ulysseus. The working group in the WP4 (Joint Research) is currently developing a sound strategy and efficient process how to create such RIGs in terms of scientific disciplines and innovation hubs challenges.
We are happy to confirm that the pilot kick-off meeting of the first Ulysseus RIG (the group focusing on economics, especially in the topic of smart cities) was held on 16 April 2024. Since then, the group has been working very intensively on the preparation of its first joint activity – training for young researchers and PhD students: a summer institute Exploring the X-Factor of a City which will be held in 8 – 12 July 2024 in Košice, with the support of RSAI (The Regional Science Association International). This event is being organized within the Ulysseus Campus – at Technical University of Košice (TUKE) in cooperation with University of Seville (USE), Université Côte d’Azur (UniCA), and University of Genoa (UniGe).
The program offers a unique interactive opportunity to gain new knowledge and explore the X-factor that increases well-being in the city. The 5-day program will take place in person at the TUKE and will be preceded with the initial preparation of participants in early June, when its online part will take place (1-2 days) – information sheets and data will be distributed to participants including basic information, participants will be divided into groups according to topics. This interactive program warmly welcomes PhD students and young researchers interested in exploring urban dynamics and engaging in innovative methodologies and integrating big data in a dynamic learning environment.
For this purpose, BIP was launched through Ulysseus for about 20 PhD students. It will also feature high-quality keynote speakers and urban development experts who will provide valuable insights and stimulate interesting discussions. Ulysseus will be actively represented by Pedro Palos (USE), Alessio Tei and Claudio Ferrari (both UniGe), Paolo de Moura (UniCA) and Oto Hudec, Peter Džupka, Miriam Šebová, Lenka Maličká, and Tomáš Želinský (TUKE). All information can be found on the event website.
Although the first meeting of the RIG on economics was held in April, the project team, consisting of all eight university partners, is still crafting an effective process to identify, interlink and develop shared research potential among researchers at all partners leading to establishment and operation of the Ulysseus RIGs. The data collected in the process will be transformed into a real-time accessible database, searchable by keywords, which will be available to all Ulysseus researchers interested in collaboration and the formation of new transdisciplinary RIGs. The whole process of creation and operation of the RIGs within the Ulysseus European University is aligned with the joint R&I Agenda and Strategy developed by the Ulysseus thanks to the satellite project COMPASS.