Leading Ulysseus to become a European University excellence model through Research and Innovation
COMPASS is the flagship for the Ulysseus R&I agenda:
- Its aim is to build upon this vision by establishing Ulysseus as a model of excellence for research and innovation transformation in line with the shared, integrated, long-term joint strategy of the alliance, boosting synergies between the European Research Area and the European Education Area.
- It has supported the development of strategies and concrete action plans in order to position Ulysseus as an institutional transformation model at research and innovation level.
- It has provided good practices to institutions inside and outside the alliance, leading the European University Ulysseus in a transforming process to boost interlinked Research, Innovation and Education with high impact in local and regional development, thus, contributing to the economic, social and cultural growth of Europe
- It has enabled the alliance to reinforce their joint long-term vision for research and innovation to drive systemic, structural and sustainable impact at all levels of the institutions involved.
Research & Innovation Strategy & Agenda
The University of Seville, the Université Côte d’Azur, the University of Genoa, the Technical University of Košice, MCI – The Entrepreneurial School and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences are jointly developing an excellency-recognized European University, interlinking Education, Research and Innovation with high impact in local and regional development, the Ulysseus European University. Ulysseus is one Innovation Ecosystem which develops solutions for specific research and innovation challenges from our six Innovation Hubs, our unique and distinguishing feature.
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Read Ulysseus R&I Strategy and Agenda
COMPASS Objectives
SO1 Ulysseus R & I agenda
To develop a common Ulysseus research an innovation agenda and action plan, maximizing the R&I European university activities impact, policy influence and visibility at European level.
For the development of a research and innovation agenda and action plan the alliance will analyse research and innovation trends using the RADAR observatory. The Ulysseus RADAR is the observatory for accurate following up, risk management and necessary adjustments of Ulysseus and the internal reference structure to observe short- and long-term changes in economy, society, job market and competences. RADAR gathers Universities pedagogical, social, R&I, technological and economic experts know how to internally evaluate the progress of Ulysseus.

SO2 Open Science
To boost and improve Open Science practices, especially the digital ones.
COMPASS will mainstream comprehensive Ulysseus Open Science practices, specifically the digital ones, which are helping to shape the Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem, involving stakeholders and end-users, through the improvement of the Digital Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem and the development of platforms and tools.

SO3 Ulysseus Innovation Hubs
To make the most of the tools for sharing research facilities and joint resources, including the transformation of Ulysseus Innovation Hubs to be accredited as ERA Hubs.
As innovative joint structures in a European University, Innovation Hubs might become a model for constructing higher education supported Innovation Ecosystems at a European Level. As ERA Hubs, Ulysseus Innovation Hubs will lift local and regional stakeholders to take a bigger role in boosting R&I collaboration and will shape strategies and designing of activities to enable science developed inside Ulysseus to structurally inform policy actors.

SO4 Responsible Research and Innovation
To involve stakeholders, end-users, and citizens in Ulysseus R&I activities, including a responsible perspective for gender issues, ethics, public engagement, and science education in R&I.
Through COMPASS Ulysseus will share and spreading its best practices with the creation of a series of guides to involve citizens, civil society and public/civil authorities in R&I activities, including a responsible perspective for equality, diversity, gender mainstreaming, ethics, public engagement and science education in R&I.

SO5 Ulysseus Research Career
To make Ulysseus more attractive to worldwide talented and promising researchers, including the development of an Ulysseus research career.
COMPASS will develop a Researchers & entrepreneurs’ supervising and mentoring programme involving Ulysseus senior staff, all associate partners and other employers in the fields covered by Ulysseus’ hubs. It will introduce innovative approaches for their individual career path, through diversification and vitalisation, enhancing independence and individual qualities and ambitions of researchers and entrepreneurs as well as recognising team performances. Additionally, it will promote HRS4R for all partners (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers).

SO6 A world-wide European University Model
To boost strategic collaboration with other institutions outside the alliance, making Ulysseus a world-wide European University model for R&I.
COMPASS will develop a R&I Plan of International promotion and cooperation strategy to foster cooperation with the Ulysseus more strategic geographical regions and university partners, turning Ulysseus into an international model and fast-track cooperation institution.
Additionally, the alliance will settle a branch of the Ulysseus University in one strategic partner country outside of its geographical location.

COMPASS kick-off meeting
The alliance’s members held a meeting aimed at introducing the project objectives, activities, and financial aspects, and presenting the team.
FOREU2 kick-off meeting
Online kickoff meeting of the FOREU2 aiming at a common understanding among the 24 Alliances of its modus operandi, including the setup of several ad-hoc thematic sub-groups relevant to the Knowledge Square in general and to the SwafS topic in particular.
Publication of the R&I agenda
Development of a common Ulysseus research and innovation agenda and action plan to help maximise the alliance R&I activities’ impact, policy influence and visibility at European level.
Ulysseus Ethic Committee first meeting
3,000 documents in the repository
Launch of a fully functional, diverse and open Digital Platform with 3,000 documents.
COMPASS Transferable Skills for Research & Innovation
This conference was organised by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and took place on October 4-5, 2023. This event offered participants an international forum to tackle the key research and innovation challenges that are currently faced in the EU, and which are addressed by the Ulysseus Innovation Hubs. The conference facilitated cooperation of researchers and peers from all Ulysseus partner universities and beyond; participants had the chance to present their work-in-progress projects or completed research papers, either in person or online and it had engaging workshops, informative panels, and thought-provoking roundtable discussions which were dedicated to enhancing researchers’ transferable and complementary skills.
First innovation hub recognised as ERA hub
As ERA Hubs, Ulysseus Innovation Hubs will lift local and regional stakeholders to take a bigger role in boosting R&I collaboration and will shape strategies and designing of activities to enable science developed inside Ulysseus to structurally inform policy actors.
Opening of the International Ulysseus Branch
On May 24, Ulysseus European University hosted a momentous online ceremony celebrating the historic strategic partnership between Ulysseus European University and The University of Da Nang. This event marked the official inauguration of the first strategic collaboration between the Ulysseus Alliance and the University of Da Nang with DNIIT, extending Ulysseus’ global reach beyond Europe. The ceremony highlighted the significance of this partnership and its potential to foster educational and research advancements across continents. This was a milestone of Ulysseus in its pursue to boost strategic collaboration with other institutions outside the alliance and make Ulysseus a world-wide European University model for R&I.
COMPASS: Leading Ulysseus to become a European University excellence model through Research and Innovation” is a Horizon 2020 project of Ulysseus and the flagship for its R&I agenda and strategy.
COMPASS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 101035809. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.