Summit in Košice

From 27-29 April 2022 nearly a hundred members of the Ulysseus community participated in the first Ulysseus Summit in Košice, the home city of the Technical University of Košice, TUKE – one of the members of the alliance.
From 27-29 April 2022 nearly a hundred members of the Ulysseus community participated in the first Ulysseus Summit in Košice, the home city of the Technical University of Košice, TUKE – one of the members of the alliance.
The event gathered university representatives, academics, researchers, students and staff members from the partner universities of the Ulysseus alliance. The agenda included activities for all the community of Ulysseus.
Students planned the development of the Student Association and continued their co-creation sessions on the design of Open Classes.
Researchers had workshops on robotics, data and artificial intelligence, brainstorming sessions on upcoming ideas for Horizon Europe calls for proposals and visits to key research centres within the Technical University of Košice
The Academic Offer workgroup continued discussing the academic development of joint programmes.
Icebreaker: Wrap-up
Student Association Task-Group Meeting
How to Establish Ulysseus Student Association: open discussion, defining common points connected with the establishment
Developing an Action Plan for Ulysseus Student Association Establishment
Follow-up Activity of Co-creation Workshop on Open Classes Sites
Projects Outcomes (after experts’ feedbacking). This is a team activity to review what has been done so far and what needs to be improved, benchmarking and tailoring
Lightning Decision Jam (co-creation activity for decision-making
Lessons-Learned and Participants Feedbacking to the Team
Presentation of Current R&D Challenges. Challenges in Robotics, Data and AI in Europe and Beyond (Peter Sinčák, Head of the Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics)
Introducing Research Capacities in Robotics, Data and AI across Ulysseus Ecosystem
Brainstorming on Upcoming Ideas for Horizon Europe Calls for Proposals
Wrap-up & Action Plan. Presentation of the results from the workshops, defining action plan.
Exploring the TUKE Research Ecosystem. Visits in selected excellent research workplaces and TUKE partners (TUKE Hydrogen Technology Centre, Prototyping and Innovation Centre – activities in the field of robotics for nuclear power plants, Institute of Automation, Mechatronics, Robotics and Production Systems etc.)