Sustainable Energy, Transport, Mobility for Smart Cities

Efficient and smart energy, transport and mobility to build the cities of the future.

Sustainable Energy, Transport, Mobility for Smart Cities

About this hub

Based at the University of Seville (Spain).

This innovation hub promotes education, research and innovation on efficient and smart energy production and storage, transport, and mobility to build the cities of the future. It works towards achieving sustainable generation and use of energy to develop a balanced urban model.

It leads one of key thematic priorities for interlinked education, research, and innovation. This is especially important since Seville, Helsinki, Münster, Podgorica and Košice, five of the cities of the Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem, have been included in the 100 EU cities that will participate in the EU Mission for 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030, the so called Cities Mission.


The Hub focuses on efficient and smart energy production and storage, transport, and mobility to build up the smart cities of the future. Within this framework, the main objectives are:

  1. Make Ulysseus an international leader in education in energy, transport, mobility, and Smart Cities.
  2. Become a collaborative space between the five elements of the helix, improving the competitiveness of these sectors in our regions, through research and innovation.
  3. To educate well-informed students, equipped with a great range of topics and transversal competences, to become leaders in the use of innovative technologies and providing competitive and socially responsible solutions to challenges in energy, transport, mobility, and Smart cities.
  4. To create an international, consolidated, and inclusive network of international experts and stakeholders.


As the European Commission states in the Introduction of the EU Mission: Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities2: “Cities play a pivotal role in achieving climate neutrality by 2050, the goal of the European Green Deal”. Aligned with their regions’S3 and cities’ strategic plans, Ulysseus has identified “energy, transport, and mobility for the smart cities of the future” as one of the thematic priorities for
interlinked education, research, and innovation, with its IH coordinated by the University of Seville.

This is especially important when Seville, Helsinki, Münster, Podgorica and Košice, five of the cities of the Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem, have been included in the 100 EU cities that will participate in the EU Mission for
100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030, the so called Cities Mission.

Possible solutions

Through the Innovation Hub, USE will foster interdisciplinary and intersectoral research and innovation on the field, in collaboration with associated companies and other regional and local stakeholders. The following research areas have been identified: (i) Energy systems, (ii) Energy for society, (iii) Smart cities, and (iv) Materials in Energy.

The main headquarter of the IH is the USE Innovation Centre (CIU3A) located at the Seville Port. Equipment and lab for transport, renewable energy, energy storage, new materials, ecology, sustainability; Ulysseus Incubator; Living Lab; Spaces for co-creation and demonstration (Open Classes), as well as Offices.

Pilots & Academic offer

UlysseusCitiesMD is the first pilot programme of the Ulysseus joint degrees pipeline. It offers a joint and fully transnational, challenge-based master degree that bridges the areas of Energy, Transport, Mobility and Smart Cities in an interdisciplinary way, to address the key challenges in energy transition and decarbonized systems.

Under the coordination of University of Seville, UlysseusCitiesMD has been co-created by experts, companies, and students of the six Ulysseus university partners and prepared by using the European Approach for quality assurance of joint programmes. UlysseusCitiesMD will be jointly offered from October 2024 and awarded by the University of Seville, Université Côte d’Azur, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School, Technical University of Košice and University of Genoa, with the participation of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.

In addition, Ulysseus has been granted and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Design Measure and is currently waiting for the resolution of the Erasmus Mundus proposal for funding provision for both running the programme and offering competitive scholarships to the best students worldwide.

Recent activities

Latest publications

  • Sustainable Energy, Transport, Mobility for Smart Cities Extended Abstracts from “COMPASS Conference: Transferable Skills for Research & Innovation” (Helsinki, October 2023). View full list of publications on this topic.

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