Innovation Hubs
Understanding our alliance as an Innovation Ecosystem, developing solutions for specific Research & Development challenges from Innovation Hubs, is Ulysseus unique and distinguishing feature.
Innovation Hubs are the Ulysseus innovative joint structure for collaboration. Ulysseus main activities are co-created and developed at the heart of our Innovation Hubs.

Co-design approach
Ulysseus has 8 Innovation Hubs (IH), one at each partner University, which address six Research & Development challenges shared with our regions and cities. The hubs work as concentrators of all the collaboration and cooperation activities coming from the Ulysseus community (the alliance and the associated partners).
Hubs are connected to local nodes around each partner University, in order to consolidate the Innovation Ecosystem.
By 2023, every Hub will count on one Joint Research Center, one Incubator for spin-offs, one Living lab and one Open Class for liaison, brokerage and joint designing, fostering multistakeholderism and citizen engagement.
What is an Innovation Hub?
Hubs are connected to local nodes around each partner University, in order to consolidate the Innovation Ecosystem. Their focus is to:
- Design new joint academic offer, challenge- and research-driven, transdisciplinary and inter-sectoral, integrated in flexible programs in which also key competences are provided
- Develop joint challenge-driven transdisciplinary and inter-sectoral research and knowledge transfer activities
- Facilitate and promote entrepreneurship within the academic community of students, faculty and staff to improve the number and success of startups created
- Promote citizen engagement and the appropriation of European values
- Offer scientific material conditions (technological platforms, data centers, etc.) to gain in attractivity and visibility.
- Thematic schools and summer schools
- Workshops
- Chairs of excellence
- Internal calls for innovation
- Internal calls for projects – research
- Partnerships
- Entrepreneurship and design thinking programme
- Open Classes
- Citizens engagement programme
- Mobility programme for Ulysseus students, faculty, and non-academic staff
- International Cooperation Programme
- Talent Magnet Programme