It is the leading provider of the general hospital services for nearly a million and a half people in the Provence Alpes-Côte d’Azur region
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Close/Open filterThe Nice Côte d’Azur Chamber ofCommerce and Industry works to ensure that Côte d’Azur entrepreneurs can create, innovate and develop under the best possible conditions
The Communauté d’agglomération de Sophia Antipolis (CASA) is the communauté d’agglomération, an intercommunal structure, centred on the city of Antibes. It is located in the Alpes-Maritimes department, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, southeastern France. It was created in 2002, and takes its name from the technology park Sophia Antipolis, the largest Technopolis in Europe.
Association of companies located in the Sophia Antipolis Technology Park
We federate all the student associations of the Alpes-Maritimes (42 associations) in order to set up different projects on the territory. We have two main fields of action: solidarity and events.
In the first area, we currently have two social and solidarity grocery stores for students, allowing them to do their shopping at 85% off the market price. We also have a solidarity restaurant open two evenings a week, allowing students to come and eat a starter, a main course and a dessert for free, just like in a real restaurant.
On the event side, we have three big events during the year. The first is the Student Welcome Day, which takes place in September and brings together all the new students in an inter-campus challenge followed by a concert in the evening.
Then we have the FACE’PARADE in February which is an event in partnership with the Nice carnival and which is basically the student carnival.
And finally in February we have the FACE’TIVAL which celebrates the return of spring and warmth. This event brings together the whole university community, students and staff, in an afternoon centered around culture and which also ends with a concert. All of these events are free of charge and in partnership with all the local authorities (University, City, Crous, Department).
In addition to these main lines, we also do a lot of prevention actions, we negotiate partnerships for students and as the first youth organization of the department, we have a majority in all the university councils, which allows us to effectively defend their rights.
La French Tech Côte d’Azur (FTCA) is an association created in 2016 which supports young innovative companies via acceleration programs in the Alpes-Maritimes Region mainly in Sophia Antipolis, Grasse, Cannes and Nice. FTCA is the local startup scene. It’s also a unique movement bringing together startup, scale-up, investors, policymakers and community builders. Our mission is to make France one of the greatest places in the world to launch and grow global companies that make sense for our future.
A label Since the launch of the initiative French Tech in 2014, the French Tech Côte d’Azur region has been given the seal approval. In 2019, the local ecosystem of tech entrepreneurs was awarded the label “Capitale French Tech” (French Tech Capital). An ecosystem La French Tech is an ecosystem of leading entrepreneurs as well as everyone engaged in helping startups grow and develop their international reach. La French Tech Côte d’Azur ecosystem is at the national forefront in the fields of telecommunications, AI, Automotive, and cybersecurity. The e-health, new mobility and creative industry sectors are also solid assets on a local level.
Research centre for digital science and technology
Organizing transdisciplinary events in the city and in the university around works of arts representing medicine with professionnels, patients, population
The Metropole Nice Côte d’Azur is the France’s first Metropole created in 2012. It is a cluster of 51 towns and villages going from the Mediterranean Sea to the French Alps with a population above 500 000 inhabitants.
Ranked today among the first smart cities in the world, the Metropole has thus constantly invested on research and innovation. Nice Cote d’Azur is a real open-air experimentation site, allowing all international players to participate in the creation of the “City of Tomorrow.
The Region is competent to promote the economic, social, health, cultural and scientific development of the region, support for access to housing and the improvement of housing, support for urban policy and urban renewal and support for education policies and the planning and equality of its territories, as well as to ensure the preservation of its identity and the promotion of regional languages, with respect for the integrity, autonomy and powers of departments and municipalities". The region participates in the coordination of the actors of the public employment service on its territory. The President of the Regional Council and the Prefect shall jointly develop a coordinated strategy for employment, vocational guidance and training. The region shall draw up a regional waste prevention and management plan including targets for waste prevention, recycling and recovery. Regarding water management and resource protection, the regional council may be assigned all or part of the animation and consultation missions when the state of the waters presents health and environmental issues justifying a coordinated management of the different sub-basins of the region.
In terms of transport, the region becomes the organising authority for all interurban mobility. The region organizes non-urban, regular or on-demand services, excluding special transport services for disabled pupils to schools. The region also organizes regular public maritime transport of people and goods to serve the French islands (except for islands that belong to the territory of a continental municipality).
Association of companies located in the Sophia Antipolis Technology Park
The Union pour les Entreprises des Alpes-Maritimes is the cross-industry organisation that brings together all businesses.