Co-creation of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Artificial Intelligence to boost Innovation Ecosystems, business competitiveness and employment in Europe
- COMAI: Co-creation of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Artificial Intelligence to boost Innovation Ecosystems, business competitiveness and employment in Europe” is to co-create and co-design the Ulysseus AI Joint Master programme applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a business context.
- The main goal of COMAI is to design a new, innovative and multidisciplinary and high-level integrated transnational study programme at Master level. Therefore, leading the graduates of such Master level programme to gain the abilities and skills necessary to transform the labour market, interconnecting higher education systems and effectively contributing to the objectives of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in digital transitions.
- Ulysseus partner universities will co-create this Joint Master Degree general frames, structures, competence goals and courses with their stakeholders. The direct outcomes of these co-creation processes will be the documents of the joint program to be used in writing up the proposal for accreditation of the EMJM and of the future proposal of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in the Erasmus + programme.
- COMAI will support 15 months of co-creation and co-design of the Joint Master Degree, jointly delivered by the Ulysseus European University consortium and its associated partners. The process of identification of the core and transversal knowledge and skills to be developed in the curriculum will be stakeholder approached (academic and non-academic staff, companies, students, NGOs, public institutions, think tanks), as the project is based on co-creation and design thinking methods.
To co-design an integrated and innovative flexible and modular curriculum focusing on Artificial intelligence (AI) in business, promoting the development of a high performing digital education ecosystem and to respond to the current labour market needs.
To co-create a joint master structure and content which follows the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes and Erasmus Mundus Programme, ready for accreditation by the AQAS Agency.
To co-design measures which would attract students and will lead them to gain the abilities and skills necessary to transform the labour market, interconnecting higher education systems and effectively contributing to the objectives of the European Higher Education Area in digital transitions
The agreement has created
UlysseusAI - AIBUM: AI for Business Transformation
General overview of the programme structure and content
UlysseusAI is a two-year, 120 ECTS joint degree Master program coordinated by Haaga-Helia Uni-versity of Applied Sciences (HH) and offered jointly with other Ulysseus European University Alliance member institutions: the MCI | The Entrepreneurial School ® (MCI), the Technical University of Košice (TUKE), Université Côte d’Azur (UniCA), University of Genova (UniGe), and University of Seville (USE). There are three degree-awarding institutions: HH, MCI and USE, whilst other partners contribute with joint design, mobility, and delivery of studies.
This interdisciplinary program enables the students to gain in-depth knowledge and competencies in artificial intelligence applied to complex business situations.

UlysseusAI study programme
Ulysseus AI application, selection and admission procedures
Joint academic recognition
Ulysseus partners accept the recognition of qualifications and prior learning, as well as professional experience, for Ulysseus accredited Master’s, or non-accredited course work. The number of credits recognized is in function of the QF- EHEA level of studies conducted and of their compatibility with the Joint Master course contents, within the limitations of in force national regulations on academic recognition.

Physical Mobility in UlysseusAI
From the structural point of view, UlysseusAI offers a modular pathway with embedded mobility. All students complete two physical mobility periods and in addition, the degree offers opportu-nities for virtual and blended mobility.
The Ulysseus community offers moreover other formats of learning activities such as short courses (online, physical, blended), living labs, seminars, MOOCs, summer/winter schools, micro-credentials, volunteering, civic engagement activities or activities related to the promotion of the European values, among others).
These educational activities will be available to all Ulysseus students, including those of the joint degrees. The offer is displayed on The activities will have an ECTS workload and can be integrated into the study programme according to the framework agreement on academic recognition in Ulysseus, in function of the competencies acquired.

COMAI has received funding from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.