UlysseusCitiesMD application, selection and admission procedures
All applications for admission will be submitted online, through the official application system of the UlysseusCitiesMD website (to be developed).
General requirements:
- to have a university qualification corresponding to a bachelor’s degree (EQF level 6) in one of the relevant smart-city-related fields
- English level B2, according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
The following supporting documents will be uploaded into the application system:
1. Copy of a valid ID document
2. Photo.
3. Copy of the official university first cycle qualification from a HEI (Bachelor-EQF level 6, or equivalent) and transcript of academic records.
4. Proof of B2 (CEFR) English level
5. A complete and updated curriculum vitae in Europass format in English.
6. Motivation letter
7. [OPTIONAL] Recommendation letters from up to two referees
8. [OPTIONAL] Any other documents characterizing applicant’s credentials
9. The application system will also include a link for the students to (voluntarily) complete the EPIC1 (Entrepreneurial Potential and Innovation Competences) assessment.

Applications will be ranked according to the following criteria, rated on a scale of 0 to 100:
1. Academic results of the student (typical requirement: Grade Point Average) (up to 15 points).
2. Relevant work experience related to the field of the Master programme and other merits, as stated in the CV (up to 15 points).
3. Motivation letter (up to 5 points).
4. Recommendation letters (up to 5 points).
5. English level +B2 and/or knowledge of national languages of the Ulysseus consortium (minimum B2) (up to 5 points).
6. Result of the EPIC test (up to 5 points)
7. Other merits according to the criteria of the Selection Committee, including linguistic and cultural diversity, inclusiveness, and gender equality (up to 10 points).
8. Personal or on-line interview with the selection committee. (up to 40 points).

Admission procedures
In a first instance the Selection Committee will select those applicants who meet the Admission Requirements and afterwards will establish a ranking considering merits 1 to 7 (according to the above list). According to this first evaluation round, the best 80 applicants will be selected for the second evaluation round that will be the personal interview with a member of the se-lection committee. The result of the interview will add up to 40 more point to the candidate final score.
Finally, the Committee will formulate a proposal of 50 candidates who will be accepted into the Master, as well as a reserve list. As soon as the list is approved, all students (accepted or not) will be informed by e-mail by the joint master Secretariat. Each accepted student will also be notified by an official e-letter expressly when the student’s admission to the Master programme is confirmed. The letter will be accompanied by a brief description of the master’s Course, with express reference to its joint character and organization and any other information that may help to complete the paperwork necessary to obtain visas, official permits, etc.
The student must confirm their commitment to pursuing the programme within 15 days from the reception of the admission e-letter by sending a signed commitment document via e-mail.

COBRING has received funding from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.