Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH (aws) is the promotional bank of the Austrian federal government.
Associated Partners
Associated Partners are regional and local authorities, businesses, and citizens who participate and contribute to both the Ulysseus long-term mission and to our regional development and to shape the future of the European Higher Education. They are involved in the co-creation and design thinking processes, in the plans and structures and in the programs of activities of Ulysseus.
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Close/Open filterThe Chamber of Commerce of Seville (CCSEV) is as an advisor body of Public Authorities, representing the general interest of companies, and providing services to entrepreneurs and SMEs.
National platform for further development of Articifial Intelligence in Slovakia. Eco-system builder.
The Nice Côte d’Azur Chamber ofCommerce and Industry works to ensure that Côte d’Azur entrepreneurs can create, innovate and develop under the best possible conditions
The Confederation of Employers and Industries of Andalusia (CEA) is a regional, professional, confederative, inter-sectorial and non-profit organization. The CEA is the most representative business association in the region and is established in all the provinces of Andalusia, plus Ceuta and Melilla, and in all of its productive sectors. The CEA is directly composed by one hundred and seven sectorial and provincial associations from all over Andalusia and includes every type of business, from large companies and SME’s to the self-employed workers, and 141 companies directly associated to CEA as sponsors. Furthermore, there are approximately 180,000 indirectly associated companies and 764 indirectly affiliated business organizations t.
Fundación Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA) is a regional public-private partnership (PPP) that was created in 2005 as joint effort of Andalusia regional government and a group of key companies, to trigger innovation activities performed by the Andalusian private sector, and to connect these activities with academia and society, supporting public bodies innovation policy implementation and promoting world-class research and innovation in a transition region. Currently, CTA is owned by more than 150 companies, 70% of them SMEs, in seven main European industrial priority sectors: ICT, aerospace and productive processes, agri-food, biotechnology, building and civil engineering, energy and environment, and leisure and tourism. CTA’s main activity during these years has been advising, mentoring and funding (with own funds) innovation projects lead by companies and with a clear and measurable market application in the short and medium term, being therefore deeply embedded in the productive system. For the past 15 years, more than 700 projects have been supported with a total investment of some €170 million, having a leverage effect to mobilise additional private investment of ca. 515 M€. This way, CTA excels as a unique organisation, acting as a multi-sectorial innovation cluster and, far from just funding, developing a holistic approach to innovation that paves the way for project results to be swiftly introduced to the market. CTA also acts as a catalyst of collaboration, disseminating results, creating partnerships between its members and research groups, both local and international, and supporting the creation of joint research projects. In addition, CTA organises technology awareness events and training for companies on key emerging areas. Regarding the connection with public bodies, CTA is a policy advocacy body, providing strategic advice on innovation and technology to governments, from regional to international frameworks.
Association of companies located in the Sophia Antipolis Technology Park
Legal representation of interests
The Finland Chamber of Commerce and 19 Chambers of Commerce throughout Finland work for the future and jobs, for Finland and the Finns. We have 21,000 member companies in a range of industries.
Our member companies account for approximately 50% of business turnover and about 40% of jobs in Finland. Our operations are governed by the Chamber of Commerce Act.
As part of the state administration, the IHK fulfills sovereign tasks, represents the overall interests of the regional economy and offers its companies voluntary services.
onTech Innovation is a private non-profit association that brings together more than 700 companies in the digital economy sector and more than 20 knowledge centres, including the universities of Seville, Granada, Malaga, Jaen, Cordoba, Cadiz, Almeria, Castilla La Mancha and Complutense University.
The aim of onTech is to promote innovation and encourage the digitalisation of all sectors, especially industry, as well as public administrations, and to strengthen the Andalusian Digital sector. To this end, it will propose to:
-Promote innovation and R&D.
-Help implement Industry 4.0 digital technologies.
-Channel funding for the different initiatives of the associated companies.
– Encourage the generation of new digital professionals and improve the digital skills of current workers.
-Improve the quality of life of citizens through actions consistent with the 2030 Agenda.
Science and technology park
Košice Regional Chamber of the SCCI represents entrepreneurs, businesses and member companies of the SCCI operating in the region and plays an important role in local, domestic and also international trade and innovation
Association of companies located in the Sophia Antipolis Technology Park
Standortagentur Tirol is a service provider, initiator and pioneer for business and science regarding growth, research, technology, innovations and cooperation. Standortagentur Tirol has been commissioned with the task of strengthening Tyrol as a long-term business and science location in order to safeguard jobs and to create new ones. Standortagentur Tirol provides comprehensive services focusing on the key areas of sustainable company growth, location development and location marketing, which you can read about on this website.
These services are directed at companies, research institutes, municipalities and regions with the aim to give them and the business and science location of Tyrol a market advantage, to push their brand awareness and to increase competitiveness. Standortagentur Tirol provides its main target groups – business and science – with services and networks to initiate and implement sustainable projects.
Legal representation of interests