Associated Partners

Associated Partners are regional and local authorities, businesses, and citizens who participate and contribute to both the Ulysseus long-term mission and to our regional development and to shape the future of the European Higher Education. They are involved in the co-creation and design thinking processes, in the plans and structures and in the programs of activities of Ulysseus.

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The history of Palazzo Ducale dates back to the end of the 13th century, when the building served as the central Government building of the Republic of Genoa. The building was progressively extended and during the work carried out in 16th century the Palazzo adopted a late Renaissance style. After the 1777 fire, the rooms were rebuilt in the current neoclassical style. The splendid halls have been hosting exhibitions, cultural events, meetings, incentives, receptions, prestigious international conferences, presentations, weddings, conventions and formal dinners since 1992 (when the Palazzo was reopened). Cutting edge high-tech structures and a vast range of services aimed at meeting every need have turned the Palazzo into the ideal venue for the G8 Summit in 2001 and for the most important events of Genoa 2004 European Capital of Culture.

PDAgroup is a spin-off from MCI, the Entrepreneurial School. PDAgroup offers its consulting and training expertise globally in the field of Sales Digitalization since more than 15 years for clients like SAP, CISCO or Jujitsu. This vibrant network opens up attractive career options for students and graduates like internships, research projects, trainee programs and so much more!

RAISE is the HUB in charge of the coordination and management of the Ecosystem Robotics and AI for Socio-Economic Empowermen, a research, innovation, technology transfer, training and public engagement programme funded by the Ministry of University and Research within the Next GenerationEU programme. RAISE coordinates a network of 25 partners (research institutions and enterprises) that develop research and development activities in the field of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence with the aim of contributing to the development of innovative technologies for the socio-economic development of the territory and for the attraction of new investments and young researchers.

re:edu GmbH & Co. KG is a spin-off from the Institute of Geoinformatics, University of Münster. re:edu was founded in 2018 and develops open source sensor systems, geospatial software, geographic information systems and educational technologies for the Smart City Market, with a focus on digital education and citizen science. In addition to rapid hardware and agile software development, the company is engaged in the development of teaching and learning materials and the implementation of workshops and hackathons for kids, youth and citizens. Re:edu is the manufacturer of the senseBox, a modular toolkit for loT-based environmental measuring stations and mobile measurement devices (e.g. senseBox:bike).


The senseBox has won numerous awards and is now used in hundreds educational institutions, e.g. universities, schools and museums but also as a platform in several urban smart city projects. senseBox clients are amongst various Smart City institutions as Münster, Re:edu is involved in public research projects related to citizen engagement, e.g. SIMPORT, on Citizens digital souvereignity or senseBox Pro, funded by the German Minisry of Education and Research.

READUCK is an independent publisher that publishes illustrated academic books with a social commitment. It also produces didactic material, which is adapted to educational demands. Our first books are linked to audiovisual field, with the intention of expanding to other disciplines. The differential factor of the publisher is that the books are designed, from their origin, as a transmedia experience in which the books are one more piece within a project developed audiovisually through podcasts, audiovisual pills, informative publications on social networks, physical and virtual notebooks, workshops and virtual presentations, among others.

Recetas Urbanas develops interventions with high social and cultural impact, implementing unconventional projects of sustainable and self-built urban architecture.


The collective led by Santiago Cirugeda approaches fields such as ephemeral architecture, occupation strategies, urban intervention and the incorporation of built prostheses, in which it has become a pioneer and international reference. The study and research on the reuse of materials and formats for citizen participation in the decision-making process has been central to this success.


The team’s work is characterised by its continuous experimentation using the city as a laboratory and space for conflict resolution. Nonconformity, continuous research in practice and achievements had permitted to advance knowledge and practice in architecture.

The Region is competent to promote the economic, social, health, cultural and scientific development of the region, support for access to housing and the improvement of housing, support for urban policy and urban renewal and support for education policies and the planning and equality of its territories, as well as to ensure the preservation of its identity and the promotion of regional languages, with respect for the integrity, autonomy and powers of departments and municipalities". The region participates in the coordination of the actors of the public employment service on its territory. The President of the Regional Council and the Prefect shall jointly develop a coordinated strategy for employment, vocational guidance and training. The region shall draw up a regional waste prevention and management plan including targets for waste prevention, recycling and recovery. Regarding water management and resource protection, the regional council may be assigned all or part of the animation and consultation missions when the state of the waters presents health and environmental issues justifying a coordinated management of the different sub-basins of the region.

In terms of transport, the region becomes the organising authority for all interurban mobility. The region organizes non-urban, regular or on-demand services, excluding special transport services for disabled pupils to schools. The region also organizes regular public maritime transport of people and goods to serve the French islands (except for islands that belong to the territory of a continental municipality).

SAMOK represents university of applied sciences students in Finland. Our main focus is to advocate for UAS students‘ rights both in Finland and in Europe.

Sapiente was established in 2016 with the mission to support the development of modern and digital society in the Eastern Slovakia region. We organise various educational and development projects and initiatives connecting digital trends with the society.

Promote the construction of the metro lines already planned for Sevilla Metro, with the aim that the metropolitan area of Seville has a sustainable mobility infrastructure appropriate to its size and needs. Up to now Sevilla is the only european city of its size without a metro network Also: to propose improvements to the lines pending construction, considering the aspects of economic, social, cultural but, especially, sustainability, taking into account the mission of the European Commission’s program (100 intelligent and climate-neutral cities), where Sevilla city is included.

SBaA is an independent advocacy group composed of legal entities and operating as an industry cluster. It is an executive platform for the cooperation among the public and private sectors, innovators, the academic community and financial institutions. Its aim is to participate in the battery value chain in Europe. The Alliance was established in 2019 and has received with the bronze European Cluster Management Excellence Label, which is awarded by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis. It is a member of the European Battery Alliance.

The Science Office within the City of Münster is a uniquely equipped section of Münster Marketing tasked with the interactions between city and the eleven universities present in Münster. As a Science City, Münster is characterised by the wide variety in higher education and research institutes that house more than 65.000 students and 15.000 employees, making science and education a centerpiece that defines the city and the way of life in Münster.


The science office defines its main task in the interaction to researchers in regards to city activities such as out-reach events, strategic planning and city development. In addition, citizens are given access to the research that is performed in the city and are informed on current activities that define the city of Münster as a Science City.

Standortagentur Tirol is a service provider, initiator and pioneer for business and science regarding growth, research, technology, innovations and cooperation. Standortagentur Tirol has been commissioned with the task of strengthening Tyrol as a long-term business and science location in order to safeguard jobs and to create new ones. Standortagentur Tirol provides comprehensive services focusing on the key areas of sustainable company growth, location development and location marketing, which you can read about on this website.


These services are directed at companies, research institutes, municipalities and regions with the aim to give them and the business and science location of Tyrol a market advantage, to push their brand awareness and to increase competitiveness. Standortagentur Tirol provides its main target groups – business and science – with services and networks to initiate and implement sustainable projects.

This university for science and technology dates back to the year 1855, when the founders of modern-​day Switzerland created it as a centre of innovation and knowledge. Primary activities are teaching and research in science and technology.

The Women Entrepreneurs of Finland (Suomen Yrittäjänaiset) was set up in 1947. The goal of the Association is to promote the economic, social and operating conditions of women entrepreneurs. At present the Women Entrepreneurs of Finland has more than 60 member associations and over 5000 individual members. Almost 60 percent of members are sole entrepreneurs, 40 percent have employees. We have members fro all different fields of businesses.

Tirol Kliniken GmbH is the largest and most diverse healthcare company in western Austria. It consists of various facilities that form the backbone of medical care in Tyrol. As holding of the clinic association, Tirol Kliniken GmbH operates and coordinates hospitals, long-term care and training facilities. In addition, Tirol Kliniken GmbH holds various companies such as the BKH Schwaz, the hospice in Hall in Tirol and service companies that are active in the areas of health care, construction management, medical technology and IT.

Tirol Kliniken GmbH is the largest and most diverse healthcare company in western Austria. It consists of various facilities that form the backbone of medical care in Tyrol. As holding of the clinic association, Tirol Kliniken GmbH operates and coordinates hospitals, long-term care and training facilities.


In addition, Tirol Kliniken GmbH holds various companies such as the BKH Schwaz, the hospice in Hall in Tirol and service companies that are active in the areas of health care, construction management, medical technology and IT.

TXT Group is an international IT end-to-end provider of consultancy, software services and solutions, supporting the digital transformation of customers’ products and core processes. With a proprietary software portfolio and deep expertise in vertical domains, TXT Group operates across different markets, with a growing footprint in Aerospace, Aviation, Defense, Industrial, Government and Fintech.

Pioneering trusted medical solutions to improve the lives we touch: Unomedical s.r.o. is a member of the global company Convatec. Convatec is a global medical products and technologies company, focused on solutions for the management of chronic conditions, with leading positions in advanced wound care, ostomy care, continence and critical care, and infusion care. With around 10,000 colleagues, and a promise to be forever caring, our products and services are available in over 100 countries. Our solutions provide a range of benefits, from infection prevention and protection of at-risk skin, to improved patient outcomes and reduced care costs. The company is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index (LSE: CTEC) and in 2021 revenues were over $2 billion.

Weitblick is a student initiative that campaigns for fair educational opportunities worldwide. We were founded in Münster in 2008 and have since been active in several German cities. Our commitment is voluntary and is guided by the principles of transparency, reliability, sustainability and diversity. We are structured in project groups and our work focuses on equitable access to education worldwide. We also want to facilitate exchange and intercultural learning across borders.

Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) is the leading business school in Croatia and the wider Southeast European region. ZSEM has been accredited by the prestigious AACSB accreditation since 2013. In 2019, ZSEM was re-accredited by the AACSB, thus confirming our dedication to excellence and quality in the field of higher education. With more than 150 partner Universities from all over the world, and more than 20% of its student body comprised of international students, Zagreb School of Economics and Management is the most international higher education institution in Croatia. In addition to offering bachelor and masters programmes, various executive education programs, ZSEM participates in many European projects such as: Erasmus Mundus Master in Impact Entrepreneurship (EMMIE, delivered jointly with our partners from Belgium (HEC Liege) and Lithuania (ISM University)); 4InnoPipe Project which is part of the EIT’s HEI Initiative that helps higher education institutions build and improve institutional capacity in the context of innovation and entrepreneurship; MLEA project as part of the Erasmus+ initiative, main focus of which is promoting education in and through sport and to support the implementation of the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes; and many others.


As an Associated Academic Partner of the European University Ulysseus, Zagreb School of Economics and Management will strive to create a joint master’s degree, with Ulysseus members, around the topic of sustainable tourism. In addition, Zagreb School of Economics and Management will contribute to overall work of Ulysseus Innovation hubs, especially in terms of dissemination of their work in Croatia and the region.