Call For International Scientific Conference: Intercultural Dialogue – Migrations, Integrations, Minority Communities

The conference aims to promote multidisciplinary research, innovation, to establish links between research and society through a proactive role at the local, national, and international levels, to support the scientific-research activity of the student population and young researchers, as well as to create synergy and collaboration between different faculty units at the University of Montenegro and at the university level in a broader sense.

Submit your application!


Call For International Scientific Conference: Intercultural Dialogue – Migrations, Integrations, Minority Communities

The Faculty of Philology of the University of Montenegro, within the project „Jean Monnet Module Multidisciplinary Studies on Integrations and Migrations through Intercultural Dialogue – EMIMI“ (2021-2024), announces a call for submission of scientific papers for the international scientific conference: INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE – MIGRATIONS, INTEGRATIONS, MINORITY COMMUNITIES, which will be held on October 18, 2024, at the University of Montenegro.

The scientific conference is realized within the final activities of the Jean Monnet Module – EMIMI project co-financed by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission.

The conference aims to promote multidisciplinary research, innovation, to establish links between research and society through a proactive role at the local, national, and international levels, to support the scientific-research activity of the student population and young researchers, as well as to create synergy and collaboration between different faculty units at the University of Montenegro and at the university level in a broader sense. Scientific papers from all fields of humanities and social sciences are welcome, which through a thorough research approach or theoretical analysis phenomenologically refer to intercultural dialogue in the context of migrations, integrations, the status of minority communities, and the management of ethnocultural pluralism in Montenegro.

The deadline for applications is by the end of August.
More information on the procedure for submitting scientific papers, as well as information on important dates, can be found on the page: