Webinar: COMPASS RADAR New Trends Report

Webinar: COMPASS RADAR New Trends Report

As Ulysseus faces the horizon of 2030 and beyond, it is poised at a critical juncture where strategic foresight must become the cornerstone of its initiatives. Central to its mission are the pressing questions of how to effectively embed foresight within the Ulysseus Alliance, and what strategic measures—both short and long term—should be prioritized.


The alliance’s universities play a pivotal role in supporting the EU’s dual digital and green transition towards a sustainable future, and must leverage their resources and expertise to drive this transformation. Ulysseus is also tasked with contributing to Europe’s competitive edge by fostering innovation, attracting investments, creating job opportunities, and promoting inclusive growth and intergenerational fairness.


At this webinar, Rocío Martínez de Pablos presented a key a list of recommendations for Ulysseus in order to strengthen its foresight capabilities in today’s world of accelerating technological, socioeconomic, and geopolitical change.



About this webinar

Some of the challenges that Ulysseus must face in the coming years involve giving a thorough answer to the following questions: how to embed strategic foresight at the heart of the Ulysseus Alliance?, what short and long term measures should be taken? how Ulysseus universities can support the EU twin digital and green transition towards sustainability?, how can Ulysseus contribute to building competitive advantage for Europe by spurring innovation, attracting investments, creating new job opportunities, and fostering inclusive growth and intergenerational fairness?, how can Ulysseus contribute to increasing the EU’s open strategic autonomy?, how Ulysseus can build internal capacities to support the EU-wide Foresight Network and be more relevant in steering EU policies?

In short, looking to 2030 and beyond, the key question to be answered is what decisions Ulysseus should make to strengthen its foresight capabilities in today’s world of accelerating technological, socioeconomic, and geopolitical change.

Watch this webinar again!

Presenter & Author

Rocío Martinez de Pablos (Presenter)

Academic Director at Ulysseus European University

Rocío Martínez de Pablos is a Full Professor at the University of Seville. She has two degrees (in Pharmacy and in Biochemistry) and a doctorate in Neurosciences. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, with classes in different degrees, masters and doctorate programs. She has took part in different research projects as the principal investigator for many of them. She has been the director of various thesis, final degrees and master’s work. With more than 50 publications, her field of expertise focuses on the role of glial cells in neurodegenerative diseases.

Joxean Fernández (Author of RADAR New Trends Report)


Joxean is a Lawyer-Economist from the University of Deusto and Master in International Business Administration from the Instituto de Empresa, in Madrid. He has a Postgraduate Degree in European Economic Studies from the Institute of European Studies of the University of Deusto, a Postgraduate Degree in Culture of Peace from the Autonomous University of Barcelona – UNESCO Chair and a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Political and Political Sciences and Administration by the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

His career path incudes being Founder and Director of Ekin Innovation Consulting, Administrator of the International Fund for Science, Technology and Innovation between the EU and Mexico , Responsible of the Culture and World Heritage Area of UNESCO for MERCOSUR, Director of the Modernization Project of the MERCOSUR Secretariat, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) Country Director and Representative of AWEPA (Association of Western Parliamentarians for Southern Africa) Representative for Angola and General Coordinator of the Spanish Cooperation (AECID) in Uruguay and Chile.

Joxean believes in critical thinking and cosmic piety to go against the grain, make the world a fairer place and awake the best angels of human nature.


COMPASS: Leading Ulysseus to become a European University excellence model through Research and Innovation” is a Horizon 2020 project of Ulysseus and the flagship for its R&I agenda and strategy.

COMPASS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 101035809. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.