CO-creation of a joint program in efficient and sustainable energy to build the smart cities of the future: BRINGing together excellence, mobility, innovation and entrepreneurship
- CO-creation of a joint program in efficient and sustainable energy to build the smart cities of the future: BRINGing together excellence, mobility, innovation and entrepreneurship (COBRING) proposes to co-create and design a 2-year multidisciplinary and research-driven, student-centered, flexible and modular, multilingual JMD in Efficient and sustainable Energy to build the Smart Cities of the future (E&SC).
- Promoted directly by their University Governing boards, this JMD will be a pilot program and key element of the Ulysseus Innovation Hub (IH) in Energy, transport, mobility and smart cities, coordinated by USE.
- This JMD contributes to our regions research and innovation strategies for Smart Specialization (RIS3) and cities’ strategic plans and is aligned with the Horizon Europe missions and clusters, European Green Deal and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
- COBRING will support 15 months of co-creation and design of the JMD in energy, transport, mobility and smart cities, jointly delivered by the Ulysseus European University consortium and its alliance of associated partners with specific expertise and interest in the study areas/professional domains.
To co-design a fully integrated and innovative curriculum, including high impact contents and new pedagogical approaches and that responds to the current labor market needs of the thematic areas (energy, transport, mobility and smart cities)
To co-create a joint master structure and content that is adhering to the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes and Erasmus Mundus Programme, ready for accreditation by the Andalusian Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
To co-design measures that attracts excellent students and has worldwide visibility
The agreement has created
UlysseusCitiesMD: “Joint European Master Degree in Efficient and Sustainable Energy, Transport and Mobility to Build the Smart Cities of the Future”
General overview of the programme structure and content
UlysseusCitiesMD combines specific and interdisciplinary training in the areas of Energy, Transport, Mobility and Smart Cities with complementary training offered at each partner university and training in high level digital skills, languages, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship as key transversal skills to provide solutions to global problems.
UlysseusCitiesMD is a 120 ECTS study programme, divided into two years (4 semesters, 30 ETCS each), with three main parts (the “Core”, the “flexible semester, and the “getting into the sector semester”) and a previous “Fundamentals” 0 step.
From the structural point of view, UlysseusCitiesMD offers flexible and modular path-ways, with embedded mobility (physical, virtual or blended) and traineeships, which will be tailored to the students’ preferences for research, innovation or professional activity.

UlysseusCitiesMD study programme
UlysseusCitiesMD application, selection and admission procedures
Joint academic recognition
Ulysseus partners accept the recognition of qualifications and prior learning, as well as professional experience, for Ulysseus accredited Master’s, or non-accredited course work. The number of credits recognized is in function of the QF- EHEA level of studies conducted and of their compatibility with the Joint Master course contents, within the limitations of in force national regulations on academic recognition.

Enrolment and mobility
During the first programme year, students will enroll at USE. They will spend S1 at USE and can spend S2 in TUKE on a mobility basis, allowing them to complete the first year in two different universities.
For S3, students should choose to go to UCA, MCI, UniGe or HH, depending on the elective courses that they select. At UCA and MCI, students will be enrolled as joint master students, whereas at UniGe and HH students will be enrolled as incoming students. Mobility during S3 is expected to be blended, with onsite courses followed at the host HEI and the possibility of online courses in the remaining HEI.
For S4, students can choose to go to any of the six partner universities for the Traineeships and Master Thesis modules. At USE, UCA and MCI, students will be enrolled as joint master students, whereas at TUKE, UniGe and HH students will be enrolled as incoming students.
With this mobility scheme, a UlysseusCitiesMD student will have a minimum of one and a maximum of three periods of physical mobility (6 months), with the possibility of taking online courses from other partner universities.

COBRING has received funding from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.