Webinar: Digitalization in life: a multidisciplinary approach

Ulysseus European University is launching a brand new series of webinars on key regional and local challenges.
These are part of the calendar of activities of “COMPASS: Leading Ulysseus to become a European University excellence model through Research and Innovation”, a Horizon 2020 project of Ulysseus and the flagship for its R&I agenda and strategy.
Organised by Ulysseus Innovation Hubs, these webinars will bring together experts from academia, industry and NGO’s, among other organisations to discuss key regional and local challenges.
Current public and private procurement generate a huge amount of data with different quality levels. The main challenge is how to use data for new data services development for decision making support or full automation of procurement processes. On his presentation Radoslav Delina will provide the main challenges and the preliminary results of his research team and will look for potential research cooperation and experiences related with the transformation of data science into commercial exploitation. The focus was be given on following issues:
This presentation dealt with the latest trends in digital design and manufacturing in the filed of medicine, especially in the field of implantology, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Additive manufacturing and 3D printing have been used for more than 10 years in medicine with the trend of creation of manufacturing hospitals and cellular biomanufacturing. Experiences with applications of additive manufacturing in medicine will be presented, where more than 350 custom made implants and 40 000 implants in series were manufactured and implanted worldwide by spinoff company established at the Technical University of Košice.
Media art thinking in terms of actual topics within the multi-disciplinary platforms and (un) expected cross-disciplinary solutions. The complex art projects bring besides the technological challenges also creative individual strategies based on the real time responsivity or participation. They can be digital, virtual or even immersive, but in the very physical interaction, too. The process is often influenced by many significant inputs including the ecology or sustainability. Some of the highlighted concepts can be identified as prototypes of the CORE Lab currently based at Faculty of Arts, Technical University of Košice.
Dr. Radoslav Delina is Associate professor at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Kosice. He is scientist and innovator with extensive experience in FPx projects and expert advisory for government (EC, JP, SK), public and commercial sector especially in the field of socially responsible data driven transformations and several startups. Nowadays, he develops data services for public and private procurement processes working with large companies and business SW providers to utilize his expertise and experiences from research projects for AI based automation of decision making processes (procurement, health, precision agriculture, raw materials, …) and data driven spend management support (risk management, behavioural alerts reporting risky supplier behaviour, alert service for most efficient procurement strategy, strategy planning, transparency in public procurement, non-standard behavior diagnostics, social procurement etc.). He is focused on building sustainable and resilient social communities especially for people with disabilities and elderly people and looking for new ways how technologies can build socially responsible future.
Dr. Radovan Hudák is the Vice-rector for International Relations and Mobility and Head of Department of Biomedical Engineering and Measurement at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Measurement, Technical University of Kosice.
He is one of the founders of Biomedical Engineering Company and Dental Engineering company, which are applying digital design, manufacturing and innovations into medicine and dentistry. He was scientist of the year 2016 in Slovakia in the field of technology, and Top Innovation in Healthcare award holder in 2017 in Slovakia.
Doc. Mgr. art. Ing. Richard Kitta, ArtD. is the Vice-dean for Arts, Science and Research Activities and the leader of the CORE Lab at Faculty of Arts, at the Technical University of Kosice. He is a multimedia and digital artist, curator, editor, publisher and culture activist with a focus on media art field and creative interdisciplinary strategies. He is a founder of DIG gallery (since 2012) and Kotolna art space (since 2014) and co-founder of ENTER multigenre art magazine (2010-2020). He stands behind the MAO (Media Art Office) project and festival platforms as Creative Playgrounds, New Poetry Forms or EMA (Eco Media Art). With his activities he contributed significantly to the gain of a prestigious title Kosice – UNESCO Creative city of Media arts in 2017.
Prof. Gualtiero Volpe is Associate Professor at the Department of Computing, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Computing of the University of Genoa. He is an expert in multimodal interactions in Performing Arts at this very same university.
Daniel Sieber is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Medical & Health Technologies at MCI – The Entrepreneurial School in Innsbruck. He is an expert in modelling and simulation of human anatomy with a focus on Neurotology. Daniel has 15 years of experience in the medical device industry where he has previously served as an Executive R&D manager and Scientific Director.
She is currently a lecturer at the Universidad de Sevilla, Dpto. LSI, Spain. She received the Ph.D. degree from the University Pablo de Olavide, Spain, in 2011. Her research interests include omic data analysis, network-based prognostic approaches and systems-level approach for translational bioinformatics.