The three key joint structures of the campus will be the Central Management Office (CMO), the Digital Platform and the Innovation Hubs. Together, these three structures define the center of gravity of our partners’ collaboration. This Innovation Ecosystem is Ulysseus’ unique and distinguishing feature.
Central Management Office
The Central Management Office (CMO) is in charge of the general coordination of Ulysseus joint structures, as well as the management, sustainability and dissemination of the Ulysseus University.
It includes:
- The Central Coordination Unit, based at the University of Seville.
- The Joint International Center (IC), based in Innsbruck at MCI, The Entreprenurial School. The IC includes a Mobility Office and an International Projects Office.
- The Digitalization Unit, based at Université Côte d’Azur in Nice. This unit is responsible for developing a the Digital Platform and monitors the Ulysseus digitalization processes.
- The Dissemination Unit, based at the University of Seville which coordinates the Dissemination Plan and activities of Ulysseus.
Digital Platform
The Ulysseus Digital Platform (DP) is developed by the Digitalization Unit of Ulysseus, based at Université Côte d’Azur. It relies on specific integrated sub-platforms dedicated to the different activities (management, dissemination, teaching, research & innovation, virtual mobility and career development). It will also work as an interactive platform and as an ideas open market through its Match4Cooperation application.
Innovation Hubs
Six Innovation Hubs (IH), one at each partner University, address six research and development challenges shared with our regions and cities. Hubs are connected to local nodes around each partner University, in order to consolidate the Innovation Ecosystem. Innovation Hubs are the centre of gravity of the helix co-creation process for transdisciplinary, interlinked, and challenge-driven education, research and knowledge transfer programmes, and the promotion of citizen involvement and European values.
The Student Association
The Ulysseus Students Association is the students’ voice of all partner universities and at all academic levels (BA, MSc and PhD). They participate in the decision-making bodies, the co-creation of activities as well as their implementation. They will be key actors in the monitoring and assessment of the Ulysseus University progress by participating in the Ulysseus RADAR observatory. They will also be in charge of the creation of a buddy programme to welcome students in mobility.