Associated Partners

Associated Partners are regional and local authorities, businesses, and citizens who participate and contribute to both the Ulysseus long-term mission and to our regional development and to shape the future of the European Higher Education. They are involved in the co-creation and design thinking processes, in the plans and structures and in the programs of activities of Ulysseus.

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The European and International Affairs Sector of Liguria Region aims at promoting the knowledge of the funding programmes directly managed by the European Commission on the topics of major interest for Liguria Region through the organisation of training and information events and courses, ensuring the participation and inclusion of Ligurian stakeholders and citizens. The response to the calls for tenders of various European programmes allows the Sector, and consequently the Liguria Region, to create synergies with the stakeholders including the University of Genoa, the Municipalities, in-house companies, and with the other actors of the European territory in order to implement projects focused on relevant issues, such as social inclusion, sustainable territorial development, green infrastructures, climate change adaptation.

The dissemination of key themes promoted by the European Commission, such as sustainability, social inclusion and beauty, has found its concretisation in the event “The New European Bauhaus in Liguria – identity| inspiration| interaction| ideas| initiatives”, organised in June 2022, with the aim of promoting the exchange of knowledge and launching a path of reflection and innovation on the territory’s identity. In addition to the integration of New European Bauhaus principles in territorial planning, the Sector aims at the dissemination of transversal competences (“NEB skills”) considered fundamental to keep young people and the working-age population as a whole up-to-date with labour market evolutions, such as green skills or education in planning and entrepreneurial mentality. The topic is of particular relevance in 2023 (European Year of Skills) and it is fertile ground for the Sector’s cooperation with the academic world (in particular the University of Genoa) and the private sector. Thanks to the restart of the activities of its Office in Brussels, the European and International Affairs Sector aims at identifying and consolidating the essential institutional relations for the Liguria Region with the European Institutions and with the European networks of which the Region is already a member, including EUREGHA, ERRIN, NECSTouR.

The European Health Forum Gastein is an independent, non-partisan organisation, founded in 1998 as a European health policy platform, which has since grown far beyond traditional health policy spaces. Its aim is to provide a neutral and inclusive platform for the discussion and advancement of health, solidarity and equity in the EU and beyond, and our founding principle is the equal representation of all stakeholders.

We federate all the student associations of the Alpes-Maritimes (42 associations) in order to set up different projects on the territory. We have two main fields of action: solidarity and events.

In the first area, we currently have two social and solidarity grocery stores for students, allowing them to do their shopping at 85% off the market price. We also have a solidarity restaurant open two evenings a week, allowing students to come and eat a starter, a main course and a dessert for free, just like in a real restaurant.

On the event side, we have three big events during the year. The first is the Student Welcome Day, which takes place in September and brings together all the new students in an inter-campus challenge followed by a concert in the evening.

Then we have the FACE’PARADE in February which is an event in partnership with the Nice carnival and which is basically the student carnival.

And finally in February we have the FACE’TIVAL which celebrates the return of spring and warmth. This event brings together the whole university community, students and staff, in an afternoon centered around culture and which also ends with a concert. All of these events are free of charge and in partnership with all the local authorities (University, City, Crous, Department).

In addition to these main lines, we also do a lot of prevention actions, we negotiate partnerships for students and as the first youth organization of the department, we have a majority in all the university councils, which allows us to effectively defend their rights.

The Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) with the denomination “Ion Conduction in Energy Storage” (IEK-12) was founded in 2014 by Forschungszentrum Jülich, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU Münster) and Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH Aachen). It is affiliated with the Institute for Energy and Climate Research (IEK) of Forschungszentrum Jülich. The international and interdisciplinary team of HI MS researches new battery technologies based on innovative electrolytes

La French Tech Côte d’Azur (FTCA) is an association created in 2016 which supports young innovative companies via acceleration programs in the Alpes-Maritimes Region mainly in Sophia Antipolis, Grasse, Cannes and Nice. FTCA is the local startup scene. It’s also a unique movement bringing together startup, scale-up, investors, policymakers and community builders. Our mission is to make France one of the greatest places in the world to launch and grow global companies that make sense for our future.


A label Since the launch of the initiative French Tech in 2014, the French Tech Côte d’Azur region has been given the seal approval. In 2019, the local ecosystem of tech entrepreneurs was awarded the label “Capitale French Tech” (French Tech Capital). An ecosystem La French Tech is an ecosystem of leading entrepreneurs as well as everyone engaged in helping startups grow and develop their international reach. La French Tech Côte d’Azur ecosystem is at the national forefront in the fields of telecommunications, AI, Automotive, and cybersecurity. The e-health, new mobility and creative industry sectors are also solid assets on a local level.

RES is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to the creation of sustainable ecosystems that provide talented people and startups with the critical instruments needed to build successful projects and socially responsible businesses.

It is a multi-disciplinary community that works collaboratively and aims to achieve economic sustainability, not only for the projects that we harbor but for society at large.

Student Union Helga is a public corporation defined in the Universities of Applied Sciences Act. It consists of the students of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.


Helga’s purpose is to act as the bond for its students, promote their societal, social, intellectual and study-related interests, and their status as a part of the society. The Student Union also prepares students for an active, informed and critical citizenship

Our purpose is to inspire people about entrepreneurship, provide a platform for our members to grow and increase their professional network and business skills.


We do this by providing mentorship, running entrepreneurship related programs and hackathons, and producing various events.

The Finland Chamber of Commerce and 19 Chambers of Commerce throughout Finland work for the future and jobs, for Finland and the Finns. We have 21,000 member companies in a range of industries.

Our member companies account for approximately 50% of business turnover and about 40% of jobs in Finland. Our operations are governed by the Chamber of Commerce Act.

Hochschule München (HM) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany (18.000 students, 500 professors, 92 study programmes, 14 departments, 6 research institutes). We want to be perceived as multifaceted, applied and personal. Our unique selling points are an interdisciplinary range of subjects, an entrepreneurial attitude and a cosmopolitan Munich vibe. Our performance dimensions are practice-oriented teaching, application-oriented research and dialogue-oriented transfer. HM actively engages with its educational mandate and aims to secure an outstanding position as a university of applied sciences. Therefor teaching at HM focuses on students as shapers of the global future, for whom excellent professional qualifications as well as advanced skills in the interdisciplinary fields of sustainability and digitalisation are indispensable. Learning together on campus is combined with digital teaching scenarios that enable flexibility and individual learning paths. Teaching at the HM is scientific, practical and future-oriented.

HM conducts research in the broad spectrum of technology, economics, social sciences and design. We develop solutions for the challenges of our modern and diverse society, support their implementation and thus strengthen the innovative capacity of our society. This drives us to conduct application-oriented research. In terms of content, research at HM covers in particular the areas of sustainability, applied natural sciences, machine learning and social transformations. Research at the HM is applied, innovative and transdisciplinary. By actively shaping the field of transfer, HM is fulfilling its mandate to have an economic and social impact, thereby making its contribution to securing the innovative capability and necessary transformations in our country. To this end, transfer and research with society, transfer strengths and transfer-promoting ties are further developed and permanent institutional conditions for transfer are established at HM. Transfer at the HM is practice-oriented, cooperative and entrepreneurial.

Minsait is Indra’s leading company in digital transformation and Information Technologies. Minsait possesses a high degree of specialization and knowledge of the sector, which it backs up with its high capability to integrate the core world with the digital world, its leadership in innovation and digital transformation, and its flexibility.

Thus, it focuses its offering on high-impact value propositions, based on end-to-end solutions, with a remarkable degree of segmentation, which enables it to achieve tangible impacts for its customers in each industry with a transformational focus. Its capabilities and leadership are demonstrated in its product range, under the brand Onesait, and its across-the-board range of services.

Recetas Urbanas develops interventions with high social and cultural impact, implementing unconventional projects of sustainable and self-built urban architecture.

The collective led by Santiago Cirugeda approaches fields such as ephemeral architecture, occupation strategies, urban intervention and the incorporation of built prostheses, in which it has become a pioneer and international reference.

The study and research on the reuse of materials and formats for citizen participation in the decision-making process has been central to this success.

The team’s work is characterised by its continuous experimentation using the city as a laboratory and space for conflict resolution. Nonconformity, continuous research in practice and achievements had permitted to advance knowledge and practice in architecture.

AISM is a national organization with strong roots at the local level. It has its own legal status and its contractual obligations are guaranteed by the Association own assets. AISM is a non-profit organization of social utility with national headquarters in Genoa, while its registered office is in Rome.


The Association is active across the entire Italian territory at the provincial, regional and national level. In fact, AISM counts 98 provincial sections, managed by their governing councils, which are responsible for pursuing association’s activities and objectives at the local level. The sections also rely on the support of 50 operational groups locally based and are represented by a Provincial President.


The Regional Coordinating Units (CR) are responsible for supervising activities at the regional level and manage relations with regional institutions in the field of social and health policies. Moreover, the National Headquarters aim to support the Governing Council in the association’s overall management and development. These offices collaborate on a daily basis with the network at the local level in order to provide the necessary technical, legal and administrative support, while implementing a series of planning and monitoring activities in order to conduct the foreseen institutional activities and the implementation of the Association program.


AISM can count around 12,000 associates across all sections who are active in the associative life and about 13,000 volunteers who support the association in its activities and events. Furthermore, AISM employs overall 232 staff members, 104 of which work in the national headquarters, another 71 across its local sections and 52 contribute in running its rehabilitation services. The main source of income for AISM remains primarily fundraising activities targeting both individual and organizational donors, as much as through agreements with public institutions for financing the different activities carried out by AISM rehabilitation and social assistance centres.


AISM also participates regularly in call for proposals (grants and tenders) managed by private and public financing institutions (EU, National Departments, Regional Authorities, Private Foundations etc.) in order to implement new project at the international, national and local level. As a way to guarantee the social inclusion of people with disabilities, since 2000 AISM is also fully active in the field of Accessible Tourism, with an accessible hotel in Tuscany (, a network of apartments in 4 italian regions, a Tour Operator ( and MICE activities. AISM is also Board Member of ENAT (European Network for Accessible Tourism).

International Carpathian Foundation Network is a network of four independent foundations serving the Carpathian Euroregion. The Euroregion consists of these highlighted border regions in Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and Romania. Carpathian Foundations support development of their diverse and multi – ethnic communities, encourage local partnerships, and assist grassroots not – for – profit organizations and local governments

Laimburg Research Centre is the leading research institute for agriculture and food processing in South Tyrol. Our goal is to support South Tyrolean agricultural businesses, family farms and food processing companies with scientifically sound experimental and research activities and so to help secure the quality of agricultural products and boost the competitiveness of commercial enterprises.

On our experimental fields, in our laboratories, and in our offices, more than 200 employees work on approximately 350 projects and activities per year, pertaining to all areas of the South Tyrolean agricultural sector, from fruit growing, viticulture, and mountain agriculture to food processing and product innovation. We thus cover the entire food production chain, from cultivation all the way up to the finished product, and can develop quickly implementable solutions for immediate and future challenges.

MAGNA sees a future where everyone can live and move without limitations. That’s why they are developing technologies, systems and concepts that make vehicles safer and cleaner, while serving our communities, the planet and, above all, people.

The Metropole Nice Côte d’Azur is the France’s first Metropole created in 2012. It is a cluster of 51 towns and villages going from the Mediterranean Sea to the French Alps with a population above 500 000 inhabitants.

Ranked today among the first smart cities in the world, the Metropole has thus constantly invested on research and innovation. Nice Cote d’Azur is a real open-air experimentation site, allowing all international players to participate in the creation of the “City of Tomorrow.

South Tyrol’s innovation district. A stimulating surrounding for companies, institutions and the university to collaborate on research and development projects.