Certification and brokerage of renewable energy.
Associated Partners
Associated Partners are regional and local authorities, businesses, and citizens who participate and contribute to both the Ulysseus long-term mission and to our regional development and to shape the future of the European Higher Education. They are involved in the co-creation and design thinking processes, in the plans and structures and in the programs of activities of Ulysseus.
Discover the full list of Ulysseus European University Associated Partners with more than 150 organisations.

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Close/Open filterThe Coatings division of BASF is a global expert in the development, production and marketing of innovative and sustainable automotive OEM and refinish coatings, decorative paints as well as applied surface treatments for metal, plastic and glass substrates in a wide range of industries. This portfolio is supplemented by « Beyond Paint Solutions », which enable new applications with innovative surfaces. We create advanced performance solutions and drive performance, design and new applications to meet our partners’ needs all over the world. BASF shares skills, knowledge and resources of interdisciplinary and global teams for the benefit of customers by operating a collaborative network of sites in Europe, North America, South America and Asia Pacific. Besides our core business, units like the Digital Incubation Unit discovers and validates digital business models and corporate ventures for BASF’s Coatings division.
Testing for development and regestration of plant treatments
The Bezirksregierung Münster is one of five district governments in North Rhine-Westphalia. It represents the state government in the Münster administrative district. It bundles regional forces and aims to create consensus.
ERASMUS Münster e.V. is an independent non-profit organisation whose purpose is to support foreign students who come to Münster for one or two semesters as part of an exchange programme. Our aim is to promote the intercultural environment in Münster and organise a wide range of social, cultural and sport events.
Applied Research, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Science to Society, Science to Business
The Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) with the denomination « Ion Conduction in Energy Storage » (IEK-12) was founded in 2014 by Forschungszentrum Jülich, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU Münster) and Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH Aachen). It is affiliated with the Institute for Energy and Climate Research (IEK) of Forschungszentrum Jülich. The international and interdisciplinary team of HI MS researches new battery technologies based on innovative electrolytes
Applied research to enable economical and ecological production of battery cells
HIGH-TECH.NRW is a NRW-wide acceleration programme for high-tech & deep-tech start-ups in the early stage with a focus on hardware-based business models. The programme with two batches per year is conducted by NMWP Management GmbH on behalf of the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Hochschule München (HM) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany (18.000 students, 500 professors, 92 study programmes, 14 departments, 6 research institutes). We want to be perceived as multifaceted, applied and personal. Our unique selling points are an interdisciplinary range of subjects, an entrepreneurial attitude and a cosmopolitan Munich vibe. Our performance dimensions are practice-oriented teaching, application-oriented research and dialogue-oriented transfer. HM actively engages with its educational mandate and aims to secure an outstanding position as a university of applied sciences. Therefor teaching at HM focuses on students as shapers of the global future, for whom excellent professional qualifications as well as advanced skills in the interdisciplinary fields of sustainability and digitalisation are indispensable. Learning together on campus is combined with digital teaching scenarios that enable flexibility and individual learning paths. Teaching at the HM is scientific, practical and future-oriented.
HM conducts research in the broad spectrum of technology, economics, social sciences and design. We develop solutions for the challenges of our modern and diverse society, support their implementation and thus strengthen the innovative capacity of our society. This drives us to conduct application-oriented research. In terms of content, research at HM covers in particular the areas of sustainability, applied natural sciences, machine learning and social transformations. Research at the HM is applied, innovative and transdisciplinary. By actively shaping the field of transfer, HM is fulfilling its mandate to have an economic and social impact, thereby making its contribution to securing the innovative capability and necessary transformations in our country. To this end, transfer and research with society, transfer strengths and transfer-promoting ties are further developed and permanent institutional conditions for transfer are established at HM. Transfer at the HM is practice-oriented, cooperative and entrepreneurial.
As part of the state administration, the IHK fulfills sovereign tasks, represents the overall interests of the regional economy and offers its companies voluntary services.
re:edu GmbH & Co. KG is a spin-off from the Institute of Geoinformatics, University of Münster. re:edu was founded in 2018 and develops open source sensor systems, geospatial software, geographic information systems and educational technologies for the Smart City Market, with a focus on digital education and citizen science. In addition to rapid hardware and agile software development, the company is engaged in the development of teaching and learning materials and the implementation of workshops and hackathons for kids, youth and citizens. Re:edu is the manufacturer of the senseBox, a modular toolkit for loT-based environmental measuring stations and mobile measurement devices (e.g. senseBox:bike).
The senseBox has won numerous awards and is now used in hundreds educational institutions, e.g. universities, schools and museums but also as a platform in several urban smart city projects. senseBox clients are amongst various Smart City institutions as Münster, Re:edu is involved in public research projects related to citizen engagement, e.g. SIMPORT, on Citizens digital souvereignity or senseBox Pro, funded by the German Minisry of Education and Research.
Development and research of new medical products
The Science Office within the City of Münster is a uniquely equipped section of Münster Marketing tasked with the interactions between city and the eleven universities present in Münster. As a Science City, Münster is characterised by the wide variety in higher education and research institutes that house more than 65.000 students and 15.000 employees, making science and education a centerpiece that defines the city and the way of life in Münster.
The science office defines its main task in the interaction to researchers in regards to city activities such as out-reach events, strategic planning and city development. In addition, citizens are given access to the research that is performed in the city and are informed on current activities that define the city of Münster as a Science City.
Higher education and applied research
Teaching, research and transfer in the field of our green engineering courses
Weitblick is a student initiative that campaigns for fair educational opportunities worldwide. We were founded in Münster in 2008 and have since been active in several German cities. Our commitment is voluntary and is guided by the principles of transparency, reliability, sustainability and diversity. We are structured in project groups and our work focuses on equitable access to education worldwide. We also want to facilitate exchange and intercultural learning across borders.