Food, Biotechnology & Circular Economy

Bio-economy in the spotlight: Biotechnology for a sustainable food production and circular economy

Food, Biotechnology & Circular Economy

About this hub

Based at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School, Innsbruck (Austria)

It gives new insights and applications relevant to address sustainable and safe food production, natural resources in agricultural and marine environments, biobased raw material and biodegradation for a sustainable circular economy, and bioeconomical aspects hereby.


Food, Biotechnology & Circular Economy are key areas for Europe to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 (“A European Green Deal: Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent”).

Ulysseus is developing an innovative approach to give new insights and applications relevant to address sustainable and safe food production, natural resources in agricultural and marine environments, biobased raw material and biodegradation for a sustainable circular economy, and bioeconomical aspects hereby.

Using its complementarity capacities and the associated partners’ proficiency in this area, Ulysseus educates, trains, creates and transfers transdisciplinary new knowledge in Molecular and Environmental Biotechnology, Food Engineering and Packaging, Environmental Engineering Analytics and Water Treatment, Separation and Particle Technology, Marine Science and Technologies, Agricultural Engineering and Natural Resources and Life Cycle Assessment.

Recent activities


Open Event Parallel Session

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