AIBUM study programme
UlysseusAI aims to offer a joint and transnational programme that bridges the areas of artificial intelligence and business in an interdisciplinary way, to address the key challenges in business transformation with the opportunities offered by the rapid development of artificial intelligence.
The programme is designed to attract applicants from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds within and outside the EU. It is in line with the latest labor market and research & innovation needs, involving the collaboration of academics, companies, cities, NGOs, and our local communities.
To achieve the learning outcomes UlysseusAI is articulated in 120 ECTS that are divided into two years and four semesters. The total number of ECTS points is 30 in each semester.
Each semester corresponds to one module, with the exception of Module 5 of Transversal com-petencies that overarches the study cycle, and the Module 6 (Thesis) that will be completed dur-ing semesters 3-4. Mod. 6 is strengthened by transversal studies in research and development methodology during earlier semesters.
- 1st semester (basic business and technical skills in AI, Module 1)
- 2nd semester (advanced business and technical skills in AI, Module 2)
- 3rd semester (specialization studies, Modules 3 or 4)
- 4th semester (Thesis, Mod. 6)
- Module nr. 5 of transversal studies complements the core studies during semesters 1-4.

The programme ensures an appropriate and constructive alignment between learning out-comes, learning and teaching activities and the assessment procedures. The course catalogue will provide up-to-date information of the degree programme.
All the details concerning the study programme, student’s support and completion of courses, and the ways to participate in UlysseusAI will be provided in an online platform and in addition, made available for the students at the time of their admission to the programme, in the form of an online Handbook for students. Information on teaching and learning will moreover be available in the LMS Moodle where ma-terials and instructions are uploaded.

The first semester
The first semester is conducted at HH with an interdisciplinary core programme that provides students with basic knowledge and competencies in applications of artificial intelligence in con-texts of business administration and development.
The second semester
The second semester is conducted as an international mobility period at MCI. It aims to gain the necessary competencies and knowledge to enhance those obtained in semester 1 and prepares students to select their specialization module.
The third semester
The third semester is conducted as a second international mobility period either at TUKE or at USE. Prior to this semester, students will select their specialization studies from two options: a technologically oriented application of AI for business (Mod. 3 at TUKE), or specialization studies based on a more transdisciplinary approach related to AI for business transformation (Mod. 4 at USE). Moreover, the thesis process is launched in semester 3, to ensure its completion during semester 4.
The fourth semester
During the fourth semester, students will continue to work on their Master’s thesis (30 ECTS in total). The thesis project will be monitored and supervised in terms of research methodology and the disciplinary content. It is the objective that all thesis projects will be commissioned by relevant industries. In this perspective, an internship in a company or in a research group can be organized for students who lack work experience in the field. It can be integrated into the Master’s thesis process: students can work in a company or an organization with their Thesis project, and hence the integration of an internship component is possible. This adds to the flexibility of the degree programme.
The thesis process
The thesis process culminates in a jointly organized Capstone-Hackathon event, where all learning is put into practice throughout a team-based competition with industry collaboration. The Master’s thesis is submitted to an official online plagiarism check and to the assessment accord-ing to the institutional and national policies of Haaga-Helia and Finland. This encompasses a mandatory maturity test prior to the approval of the thesis, in the form of an essay.
The two specialization modules
The two specialization modules offer genuinely distinct study pathways, with a technically oriented option 1 at TUKE and a transdisciplinary course combination as the option 2 in USE. Spe-cialization options have been developed with the viewpoint of various business requirements (business fields and job profiles), and they are defined by AI technologies (MLOs, data sci-ence) and/or the development phase in business (identifying value, designing, leading a project, selling the product to management).
The Ulysseus Green Mobility and Sustainability Principles
To promote environmental responsibility, thus helping to tackle climate and environment-re-lated challenges, Ulysseus has adopted a set of green principles and practical measures for en-ergy use in activities and structures, and for sustainable and smart mobility, thus contributing to develop the Green Deal Mobility Scheme.
Ulysseus green and sustainability principles, to be followed by students, teachers, and non-aca-demic staff of UlysseusAI, are:
- Reduced carbon footprint: Favor the adoption of means of transport that have a smaller carbon footprint (whenever possible, carbon neutral mobility will be preferred).
- Eco-friendly travel: Promote the use of more sustainable alternatives to flying and eco-friendly travel and stay in all project activities, even though they may entail additional financial costs and require more travel time.
- Sustainable materials: Foster the purchase and use of sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics and consumable items, including reusable, recyclable, or biodegradable materials, giving preference to suppliers following a circular economy business model.
- Sustainable logistics: When physical attendance is required, integrate sustainability considerations in all logistics operations (choice of venue, travel arrangements, accom-modation, catering, handouts, and printable materials), at the same time prioritizing lo-cations that can be more easily reached by low-carbon transportation.
- Promote online activities: Encourage the use of online tools (e.g. videoconferencing) when physical mobility is not essential and provide the Ulysseus Community with the infrastructure, resources, and training to harness the full potential of digital technology.

COMAi has received funding from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.